Enhancing Bible Study
Enhancing Your Bible Studies -- By the Numbers
The Following links ask some provocative questions and make some interesting observations. These are presented, from the Internet, to stimulate your personal Bible study. Many of the observations are spot on, but not all. The use of the false name, JESUS, for example, does not take away from pushing one to investigate what the enemies of YaHshua are teaching or not teaching.
Many things in these video presentations are common among a Christian groups. Any brother of sister in the Union of the Father and the Son, should appreciate the opportunity to answer some of these questions and also, to correct what they see against the word. This all leads to better knowledge about what is taught and what the objections might be and for the Believer to delve into the Word deeper.
The author of this website is willing to attempt responding to any questions or doubts or criticisms -- email, Dan, at -- dan@servantsofyahshua.com
Enjoy ......
Have Questions? Need Answers?
Email -- dan@servantsofyahshua.com