I AM That I am YAM?
By Your servant, Dan Baxley
(Exo 3:14) And God said unto Moses, I AM
THAT I AM: and he said, Thus shalt thou say unto the children of Israel, I AM
hath sent me unto you. And God said moreover unto Moses, Thus shalt thou say
unto the children of Israel, The LORD God of your fathers, the God of Abraham,
the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, hath sent me unto you: this is my name
for ever, and this is my memorial unto all generations. KJV
Special Note from the author: I would like to make it plain that this article is
covering a new look at the "IAM that IAM" and the Greek influence
upon the Hebrew Scriptures and no one that I know of is making this
observation. This is not a point of "salvation", and it is not an
absolute and I admit to this being my own speculation and even
guessing in some places to make my point. Scripture is always first and it is
the scriptures you should be most attune to not the ranting of someone like me
with a new "theory" to push. But I do find this observation
concerning IAM that IAM interesting and worth a
look. There seems to be a duality at
play here.
IAM = HaYaH = The
Knowing and understanding that our God and
Savior has a personal Name and that the God of Israel also has a Personal Name
we can look at the Hebrew Scriptures for the correct wording, without the Greek,
and we come up with the Hebrew "ha" for the Greek "I" and
the Hebrew YaH in place of the Greek for "AM". Marvelous isn't it?
Ha-YeH, or I YaH, I-YeH, if you insist on including the Greek or discarding the
Greek all together we have Ha-YaH, or THE YaH. If you think I am making this up
then let's have a look at Strong's Hebrew Dictionary:
(Exodus 3:14, IAM) H1961 - hayah - A primitive root (compare H1933); to exist, that is, be or become, come to pass (always emphatic, and not a mere copula or auxiliary): - beacon, X altogether, be (-come, accomplished, committed, like), break, cause, come (to pass), continue, do, faint, fall, + follow, happen, X have, last, pertain, quit (one-) self, require, X use.
So, what do we see if we stay with the Hebrew
only? "And God (El) said to Moses, TheYaH that (that is to say) The
YaH: and He said, thus shall you say to the children of Israel, The-YaH
(eh-YeH) has sent me to you." It just keeps getting better, doesn't'
it. We find the English/Greek for IAM, taken from the Hebrew is a proclamation
of His Holy Name, YaH, and we can look at Strong's H1961 -- hayah, to prove it -- it does not get much
simpler than this.
I Would like to thank those that have
questioned this and given me the opportunity to clarify some points in this
article, so thank you Adam and Duane (you know who you are), also I will
mention a book given me to read that also mentions and makes plain, IAM is
Ha-YeH in the original Hebrew Scriptures -- the book titled, "Jesus And
YAHWEH The Names Divine" by Harold Bloom, page 128, and, of course,
Strong's Hebrew Dictionary, H1961, where we see the Hebrew rendered
"hayah" with the "a" marked as a vowel. The declaration of
the Name of the God of Israel and our Savior YaH-shua is declared to Moses and
the world. Moses did not confuse this IAM with YHWH as meaning something
different, he understood it was the same and did not question what was being
said to him, but the world has done just that, confusing the issue by taking a
self-centered approach to what the English/Greek for YAM is really saying and
making it to mean “I am”, or “me”.
Moses knew exactly what he was hearing because he heard HaYaH, not “I’
Now let's return the Exodus 3:14 with this
corrected --
(Exodus 3:14) And God said to Moses, ha YaH (that is) ha Yah: and He said, This shall you say to the children of Israel, the YaH has sent Me unto you.
How simple is this? Can it be any plainer?
The KJV and all modern translations following the "tradition" of the
KJV Bible allowing the Greek influence to muddy the clear reading of the
original Hebrew. IAM is a Greek mess, and when it is further damaged by the
English misunderstanding we do not see the Name at all. Once we resort back to
the Hebrew we see YHWH declaring Himself -- ha YaH, or the YaH (I AM =
YaH). Now, looking at the last part of this verse, "...The YaH
(the Father) has sent Me (YaHshua in His previous
Glory) to you (Moses). Hooking this up with the very next verse
in context with what is being said and this all makes sense. How is it the translators miss this? In stead they
concentrate on the Greek and the English, twisting IAM (Hebrew haYah, strong's
#1961) into something else.
The main thrust of this article, as mentioned
before, is considering the Scripture in light of the Greek influence
which many translations, especially the King James Version, have gone to as
their primary source and exhibit this Greek influence throughout the
Scriptures. This is a kind of misdirection and hiding of our Savior and
Creator's true identity has back lashed on the original instigator of this
covering, or attempted covering of the Holy Name. In the attempted deception,
certainly influenced by Satan, the truth still comes forward. The absolute
truth of the “IAM that IAM” is HaYaH that HaYAH once restored. This, my friends, is the
truth, uncovered, and stands in plain sight but ignored. We need to remember
also that words like “that” are filler words supplied by the translators, and
if the translators do not understand the Name of the Living God then they will
continue to supply the words like “that” and “it” and “he” and “and” for the
purpose of making the Hebrew more readable to the English reader but from a
point of view that is in error or ignorance.
What was said to Moses may have been the declaration that IAM, IAM or
any number of other ways to impress upon Moses that the God of Abraham, YaH,
was speaking to Him, the same God of the Flood.
It is not IAM that speaks but he-YaH - The
YaH. Again, how is this so ignored by the translators? Even in
their willful ignorance the path they have chosen can be turned back on
them, and that is what I will do here, proving that even in
their error they have revealed another truth that also demonstrates they
are their own worst enemies and end up confessing against themselves.
When I use the term, "translators" I include all those with evil
intent and those duped. Some of these hard working scholars forced into
following their peers before them – the traditions of their fellows.
Certainly some workers in the word do so honorably but have a certain
responsibility not to let themselves be fooled and
then add to and aid in fooling the general population.
The rest of this article is full of speculation
because it is nearly impossible to
find a scholar that sees this or is unwilling to go against his brothers who
have for decades walked in the error of covering up our God’s true identity,
and this includes our Savior’s birth name – I believe they are without excuse. I
think it can be demonstrated how a plan to hide the Creator God can, and
perhaps has, boomeranged on the deceivers, and in this deception we can still
see the True God of Creation as the misused Greek, IAM or YAM, points to a god
known as YAM, identified as the God of the Flood and thus coming full circle
pointing to His personal Name, YaH - YaHWeH -- the God of the Flood, our
Note: One other thing should be recognized here, concerning the use of the Tetragrammaton (four letters of His Name) -- some say YHWH some YHVH, so which is it? From the Jewish Study Bible, Editor, Adele Berlin, we have this commentary in the side bar -- Exodus 3:14 concerning the Name, YHWH: "God's proper name disclosed in the next verse is YHVH (spelled "yod-heh-vav-heh" in Heb; in ancient times the "vav" was pronounced "w")" From this we should be able to settle the argument over the "v" and the "w". The "vav" used to be sounded out as we sound out the "W" today, as did the ancients. What has happened, as the languages progressed, and changed, to some degree , we no longer pronounce the "vav" or the "V" like the "W". To restore the proper pronunciation we need to replace the modern V with the W, restoring the original, ancient, pronunciation. Put another way, if the "vav" had remained the same from then to now, we would be pronouncing the "V" just like the "W" (waw). But, in this modern era, the "V" is now pronounced as we see in the word, "Very", it has changed. I know, some insist on using the "v" in its modern pronunciation, so be it, the proper name, YH, or YaH, has not changed and is common in all of the variations.
(Exo 3:14-15) God said to Moses, "I AM WHO I AM. This is what you
are to say to the Israelites: 'I AM has sent me to you.' "
God also said to Moses, "Say to the Israelites, 'YHWH, the God of
your fathers--the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob--has
sent me to you.' This is my Name forever, the Name by which I am (?) to
be remembered from generation to generation. NIV (LORD
is replaced with the real four letters of His Name, YHWH)(emphasis
Let me introduce you to the God of the Flood,
the God that spoke to Moses and identified Himself as YaHWeH, the God of
Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. So, which of the many gods did Abraham (Father of the
Faithful) worship? The God associated with the Worldwide Flood, YaHWeH is His
Name forever, and to be a memorial for all generations. But wait,
what about the first part, where God is telling Moses He is IAM? First, the 'I
AM that I AM" (KJV) is from the Greek and should actually read, YAM, and
guess what? There is a God known as YAM and YAMM -- this God is the God of the
Flood (more on that later). So, dear reader, let me introduce you to YAM, God
of the Flood, the God of Abraham, known as YHWH, God of Israel – but only one
Name chosen as a "forever memorial" to Himself -- YaHWeH -- not Yam
or I AM.
But wait, there may be some confusion here,
as pointed out to me recently by a fellow Bible student and brother in YaHshua,
and the reason for this update -- to clarify, making plain that YAM is not His
Name, it is a name given by men to a god they felt responsible for the Great
worldwide flood -- they called Him Yam, meaning "surf", a god of the
ocean, of powerful waters. This name, Yam or I AM, is not the personal name of
our Creator.. YHWH is His Name as the latter part of
the verse makes plain. It is not the name Yam that the God of Israel says is to
be remembered forever. It is the Name YaHWeH that is to be forever, and a memorial for all generations. The name Yam
is, and I will say it again, "given to the Creator by ancient man" to
identify the Creator of the Flood as the cruel god that destroyed the world by
water. The irony to this whole incident, between the Egyptians and the people
of Israel, is the fact the Israelites were then delivered from the evil hand of
the Egyptians by water, by the Yam-Surf. They moved through Yam Surf (Translated,
Red Sea) on dry ground with the Egyptian warriors following, only to be
engulfed by the Surf falling in on them, destroyed by the Red Sea the Yam Surf.
It has been pointed out by many scholars the
Ten Plagues the Egyptians suffered had been a slap at their many gods. Each
plague representative of a god they worshipped being unable to deliver them
from the plagues. Isn't it interesting then, this too, the Red Sea (Yam Surf)
represented a god they held in disdain would be their complete undoing.
Yam is the name by which they, the ancients,
knew of the Creator and the destroyer of the earth. Once Moses understood which
of the many gods was speaking to him, YHWH then went on to give Moses His
Personal Name, the Name Moses was to use "forever" and give to his
people as a "memorial". To make sure there was not mistake, YaHWeH
further identifies Himself as the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. YHWH, this
is the Name our Creator has applied to Himself as His personal Name, a Name to
be remembered, and what do we see? We see a Name forgotten, denied, refused,
ignored and presented as meaningless and of no use. How pathetic, men seem to
be hell-bent on doing just the opposite of what their Creator wants. Israel, What is the Name of your God, tell us if you can!
What is the importance of this information?
Read the definition below and what follows and you will see why we need to know
this and you will see, I pray, how rejecting the legal Identity of your God and
Savior can lead to error and misunderstanding what the Scriptures have to say
concerning key points in biblical doctrine and prophetic understanding.
Remember, and keep in mind, YAM or IAM is not His name but a name given to Him
by man. We see a similar error when addressing the personal Identity of our
Savior, YaHshua. Men have named him, Iesous, then Jesus but the birth name
delivered by angelic messenger to Mary and Joseph was YaHshua, or YaHoshua, if
you prefer.
What I will attempt with this article is to
lay out another understanding of the "I AM that I Am" statement of
Exodus 3:14, a statement, I believe, misunderstood by the scholars of today.
Why is it the Biblical scholars misunderstand what is
being said, as I will demonstrate? Because they see through a fog of religious
intellect telling them the words are inspired by the Holy Spirit, as though the
Holy Spirit printed the KJV Bible from the "Inspired Greek", when in
fact it was not Greek the Apostles spoke. Our Savior was not teaching in the
Greek language, he was a Jew sent to the children of Israel, it was only later
an Apostle was called (Paul) to take the message, actively, to the gentiles.
This idea of the Holy Spirit inspiring the Greek Language solves a lot of
problems for the scholars -- keeping the Jewishness of our Savior at arm’s
length and giving support to things, such as names, in such a way as to
discount the original meaning and identity of our Creator and our Savior and our
Heavenly Father. This concept is taught in the Christian schools and
universities and for this reason a cloud is created over the mind of the
student, blocking this simple logic of original names being changed for other
names and this makes it difficult for the educated Bible scholar to see the
importance of the true Identity of our Creator which is a key to unlocking much
of the prophetic understanding of Scripture.
Many would defend the name Jesus as the name of
salvation and when you say that name did not exist when the first New Testament
Scriptures were written, then they say it does not matter, names mean nothing. backed into a corner the inevitable answer is, the Holy
Spirit inspired the name Jesus to be written.
We are dealing with the name YAM and I AM and
YHWH and the misunderstanding of what this "I AM that I AM" really
means and why it is misunderstood. It is my hope this will further the readers
understanding and encourage you to study your Bible as a book of words about
THE WORD and not to confuse the two.
Exert taken from Wikipedia, YAM (god):
Yamm, from the Canaanite word Yam, (Hebrew ??) meaning "Sea", is one name of the Ugaritic god of Rivers and Sea. Also titled Judge Nahar ("Judge River"), he is also one of the 'ilhm (Elohim) or sons of El, the name given to the Levantine pantheon. Others dispute the existence of the alternative names, claiming it is a mistranslation of a damaged tablet. Despite linguistic overlap, theologically this god is not a part of the later subregional monotheistic theology, but rather is part of a broader and archaic Levantine po
Yam is the deity of the primordial chaos and represents the power of the sea untamed and raging; he is seen as ruling storms and the disasters they wreak. The gods cast out Yam from the heavenly mountain Sappan (modern Jebel Aqra; "Sappan" is cognate to Tsephon (Tsion). The seven-headed dragonLotan is associated closely with him and the serpent is frequently used to describe him.
Of all the gods, despite being the champion of El, Yam holds special hostility against BaalHadad, son of Dagon. Yam is a deity of the sea and his palace is in the abyss associated with the depths, or Biblical tehwom, of the oceans. (This is not to be confused with the abode of Mot, the ruler of the netherworlds.) In Ugaritic texts, Yam's special enemy Hadad is also known as the "king of heaven" and the "first born son" of El, whom ancient Greeks identified with their god Kronos, just as Baal was identified with Zeus, Yam with Poseidon and Mot with Hades. Yam wished to become the Lord god in his place. In turns the two beings kill each other, yet Hadad is resurrected and Yam also returns. Some authors have suggested that these tales reflect the experience of seasonal cycles in the Levant.
My Comments: This is my introduction to you to the God,
the Creator God, the God of the Flood, to you -- IAM, IAM (YAM, YAM) is presented
to you and He is the God of Abraham, He is the God of Israel and the God of the
New Covenant also known as YHWH, and YaHshua.
If you read Exodus 3:14, you will see YHWH
identifies Himself, to Moses, as YAM (Greek English = I AM, not the English
I’am – another error accepted due to lack of knowledge concerning the identity
of our God and Savior)
“God said to Moses, "I AM WHO I AM. This is what you are to say to the Israelites: 'IAM has sent me to you.' " NIV (The emphasis, by capitalization, is placed in the text by the translators)
Understanding modern translations (following
the KJV example) traditions used many words from the Greek Septuagint of the
Old Testament. This can be seen in the use of the letter “I” in place of the
more correct Hebrew/ English “Y” which is the English equivalent of the Greek
“I” – this has been lost on the English readers who do not see the “I” as “Y”
or “Yh”. On the surface this may seem unimportant but in the English language
the letters “I” and “J” have changed drastically from their original phonetic
value and modern usage means something different and should be changed to the
correct English equivalent for the Hebrew “Yod”, which is the “Y”, not the “I”
in today’s language. Because this has not been done we see the confusion
leading to ignorance and a misunderstanding of what our Creator is saying,
really saying to Moses. If the Hebrew “Y” instead of the “I” were used no one
would suggest some of the definitions they attempt for this verse as they try
to define what our Creator is saying concerning His Identity. “YAM has sent me
to you”, Moses was to say, or ha-YaH.
The duality is apparante, the god YAM was the god of the waters, the
power of the water, the god capable of destroying the whole earth by water, and
at the same time IAM to the hearing of Moses was to say “The YaH”, and then
From the information found in Wikipedia (read
the opening paragraph at the top of this page) you can easily chase down
the origin of YAM (again, not I am, but IAM or YAM) and see the connections
this God has with the power of the waters, the ocean and all the seas. He is
the flood God and from the Canaanite legends you can see a tale of conflict
between the children of El (the Bull) and Yam’s representative, Judge Nahar.
The article above suggests Judge Nahar is a possible title for Prince Yam.
Certainly you have to piece this together but what this shows is that there had
been a God known as “YAM” and we see this God making Himself known to Moses and
then fine tuning His identity for Moses as YHWH (Exodus 3:15-16) in the next
two verses, the God of Abraham. The worship of the god that had flooded the
earth had been replaced by the worship of the children of Adam (EL, the Bull),
identified as Baal and Ashroth (Asherah), his sister and consort (wife).
The children of Adam came down from the
Garden (high mountain area) entering into the general population of men and
were seen as gods. Cain became a builder of cities, and the founding of metal
work and musical instruments. How was he able to do this? If he were known to
be a child of God from on High wouldn’t he be seen as a god himself? We see
this in the ancient world and societies, making their Kings as gods, from god,
the direct children of the God. When the population believes their leaders are
gods or sons of gods they willingly serve them and what better way than to take
on building projects. We see this the world over, the
pyramids being the most obvious example.
As far as I know this is new knowledge, not
hidden but not recognized. For those of you having accepted the birth Name of
our Savior this should be welcome information assisting in further confirmation
of our God’s Identity. This is information hidden too long and if accepted will
clear up the real meaning of what our Creator is saying to Moses in identifying
Himself to Moses, to the Israelites and to us. This is also a bridge to
understanding what happened with the children of Adam and Eve and how they
became mythical gods, or a family of gods with all of the faults of humans.
This uncovers the misguided and corrupt worship of mankind by mankind.
Historically it has not been that long the rulers of the Roman Empire were
considered gods, or from the gods.
When you take the gods of the Canaanites, the
gods of the Greeks, and the gods of the Egyptians you see a common thread. The
names are different but the gods are very similar and in fact the same. From
the writings uncovered by archaeologist over the past few decades we see, what
I believe, is the worship of the family of Adam and
Eve. Adam identified as the god EL also known as the Bull, a slothful god given
to wine and credited for being the Father of all mankind. His son Cain becomes
a person of worship as does his sister Ashroth. They become the gods of
fertility and war against the God of the oceans where beasts of all types live.
This battle between man and God ends, in Biblical history, with the “flooding”
of the world and the destruction of all mankind. Only Noah and his family
survive. From this it can be understood why the children of Noah, from whom we
descend, harbored evil feelings against a god that would do such a thing – how
do you explain to your children that your god destroyed all of your people
without some hard feelings? They, the children of Noah, their sons and
daughters and their sons and daughters, returned to worshiping themselves –
making man god, finding a friendlier god they turned from YaHWeH. We see this
throughout ancient history and in more recent history in the practice of
Monarchies claiming direct connection and with our Creator as rules of this
Earth, ordained by God.
The ancients took it so far as to marry
within their own family -- the kings marrying their own children – the blood of
the gods is holy and must stay within the godhead, within the family.
YAM SUPH – Red Sea
Our Creator identifies Himself as the God
that was known for having destroyed man from the face of the earth and was seen
as a mean god, as cruel, unfair god by the ancients. He was known as the god of
the surging Oceans -- oceans that still covered the better part of the earth.
He tells Moses He is that God, the God of the “SURF”, YAM, and then He tells
Moses He is YHWH, the God of Abraham, it is the latter Name revealed to Moses
that he is to tell the Israelites He will be known for all their generations.
When Moses tell the Israelites that YAM has sent him and that this is the same
God as YHWH, the God of their father Abraham they then had a better
understanding of whom they were dealing with. To take this a step further, YHWH
then goes on to deliver the Israelites from under the hand of the Egyptians by
an act only the God of the Sea could do. Keep in mind, YHWH had punished the
Egyptians with plagues and each of these curses, plagues, violated a cherished
god of the Egyptians. That’s right, for every plague suffered it was a
demonstration of how each of the favored gods of Egypt were
helpless, unable to save them. YAM’s final insult was to open up the Red Sea
(Known as YAM-SURF, in ancient days) and delivered the people through the
waters and by the same waters destroyed the Egyptian army. Many connections can
be made with this God when it comes to water, that liquid we cannot live
Yam-Surf is not Reed-Sea as some disbelievers among even the Christians
suppose. Some have real difficulty with a Creator God that can part the Sea, or
even flood the whole world. It is truly alarming how many claiming to teachers
of the Word excuse away language in the Scriptures as “symbolic”, in other
words, it does not really mean what it says. The Red Sea is not red but it is a
sea and the Red Sea is not a sea of Reeds located to the far north of Sinai.
Yam Surf, translated as Red Sea is to say, Angry Sea. You have
heard the term, “seeing red”, this is how YaM-Surf
became the Red Sea. Remember, Suph means sea and YaM became angry as seen by
the raging waves (Suph) of water covering the earth and eventually crashing
down on the army in pursuit of YHWH's chosen people.
YAM-SURF? Really? If you have an NIV
Study Bible turn to Exodus 15:4, 22 and read reference note (a) as follows --
"Hebrew Yam Suph; that is Sea of Reeds" -- see also verse
22. We see the correct restoration of I'am for YAM and understanding the
definitions for Yamm and Yam as meaning RED or Angry Sea it becomes obvious the
"assumption" by Biblical scholars that Suph means sea
is in correctr. Yam (Red) Suph (Sea), it is easy to see the term Suph
and Surf is one and the same. YAM (Red) Suph (the Surf) -- the
"surf" pounds the beaches and is represented by high rising waves
while the "sea" is the whole body of water each representative of the
other, powerful force of massive waters. This clearly identifies YAM as the God
of the Flood and as the God that delivered Israel through the Sea,
destroying the Egyptian army, in His Anger (Red), those seeking to destroy the
people of the Living God YAM, known as the God of Abraham, the God YHWH and to
the first Christians as YaHshua, Creator of all things (John 1:1), Savior of
Israel and to those accepting Him. Let’s
examine these meanings and definitions a little more.
What Does the Hebrew Say?
Let's go the Strong's, Hebrew Dictionary
again, and see just what is being said, and what is being assumed:
Probably of Egyptian origin; a reed, especially the papyrus: - flag. Red [sea], weed. Compare H5489.
You will notice this definition begins with
"probably", and I think we can all agree, this is not a firm
foundation upon which to speculate and then turn
this speculation into fact. You will also notice the word “sea” is
bracketed and this suggest and alternate meaning other than “red”. It is suggested we compare H5489, so moving
on --
For H5488 (by ellipsis of H3220); the Reed (Sea): - Red sea.
Referenced back to H5488 and "by
ellipsis (meaning to leave out) H3220 -- let's go see what is being
"left out" --
From an unused root meaning to roar; a sea (as breaking in noisy surf) or large body of water; specifically (with the article) the Mediterranean; sometimes a large river, or an artificial basin; locally, the west, or (rarely) the south: - sea (X -faring man, [-shore]), south, west (-ern, side, -ward).
So, this is what is being left out, and this
is what is ignored in the defining of the word YAM (I AM, in the Greek). Apply
this definition with that of H5488 and you do not come up with
"reed", or "sea of reeds", you come up with -- roaring sea,
noisy surf, large body of water. going back to the first statement made to
Moses, "IAM that IAM" and seeing a better application of this we
should now be able to see YHWH as YAM the god of the waters, the powerful,
surging, surf. This is the God the ancients knew of as the God that brought the
Great Flood on their ancestors and this is the God that delivers all of the House
of Israel through the waters YAM Suph, the Red Suph, or Sea. Once identified,
He, Yam, went on to tell Moses He is the God of Abraham and that He would be
known for all generations as YHWH. Moses did not argue, did not shrug his
shoulders and say, "YAM, whose that?" Moses
knew as did others of that time that the God Yam had brought total destruction
upon all flesh and He had now identified Himself, not by a name given to Him by
men but by His own personal identity among the heathen. Let’s remember, YaHWeH delivered the plagues
on Egypt and each plague was a direct assault on each of the gods the Egyptians
From the beginning of this article we can see
the “duality” of this Name given to Moses and then His full identity, making it
clear which of the gods was speaking to him.
IAM is the declaration of “the YaH” the God of the flood and then as
YaHWeH, which is to say, YaH the God that causes to be, or the Creator. IAM is to say hayah.
You do not have to accept any of this, like I
said, I am not a scholar and my observations are my observations. so, what is the value of this? I believe it keeps, or helps
to keep, the truth seekers on the path and to gain a better understanding of
our Creator and of some of the remarks made by our Savior. It demonstrates the
truth of the word and the character of our Creator. He is concerned about
identifying Himself to us and we should be receptive of that fact. Once Moses
understood he did not approach Pharaoh as representing Yam, god of the Flood
but as YHWH (YaHWeH) Creator of all things, Master of all things, not just
water. This is then demonstrated to Pharaoh and all of Egypt by the plagues.
His salvation for Israel, however, ended in a dramatic way, by water and lots
of it, not in some marsh of reeds, but in the depth of the Gulf of Aqaba where
the Pharaoh and his army perished.
The Missing Pharaoh
Why is this Pharaoh not identified in
history? For one thing the list of kings
is still argued over as to their order and timing. It seems when other nations invaded and
succeed in taking one of the Egyptian kingdoms they would then pose as the new
gods or Egyptian family of gods. This
had a drunken appeal to the ancients, to be see as
gods themselves and the Egyptian system was the pinnacle of this art for, man
being god. When you look at the carvings
and statues over the centuries BC different racial characteristics appear that
are dissimilar. The other thing about
trying to patch together the genealogy of the Egyptian kings is that for a
period of time there were two kingdoms, a North and a South and then there is
the business that as historians the Egyptian hardly ever mentioned any times
they lost a battle, after all, gods do not lose battles. Then there was the practice of eliminating
any record of those you succeed if not of your direct family. Even the exact dating given for when the
Israelites left Egypt is up for debate.
It seems the only reliable witness we have is the Bible itself. The reliability of Biblical accounts is huge,
and become more obvious with every turn of the archeologist’s spade.
Now, please, go back and reread the very beginning of this article and settle this matter for yourself in the original truth concerning who was identifying Himself to Moses -- to you and I -- ha YaH -- the YaH is speaking and has sent me, and it is YaH weh, the God of Abraham, of Jacob, and of Isaac that is speaking to you -- so go and tell the people this is who the One speaking, the One that will deliver you from under the hand of the Egyptians, and this will be my Name forever. Please, reread what is being revealed and you will see and read your Bible differently from this time forward -- you will be blessed.
Peace to you and yours --
See Also -- I AM or YAM?
email: servant@yahshuaservant.com