First Church Communist?
First Christians - A Communist Church?
Did the First Baptized Followers of YaHshua Practice Socialism?
Socialism and Religion -- Reveal
Why this subject? Because it has been going around for years that the First congregation of believers, were, well, the first Marxist. Of course Marx was not in the first century. What is being taught by some is that the First congregation of YaHshua's followers, set the example for life as a collective, a socialist model, those who came to be Communist.
This is a quote the very first paragraph from the works of Lenin, published December, 1905. We need go no further than this very first paragraph about what Lenin taught and his vision for mankind. It is my purpose to use some good old fashioned common sense to unravel what is being said. For one thing, there is nothing hidden. No secret message. Lenin said what he said, wrote what he wrote, and changed the world."Present-day society is wholly based on the exploitation of the vast masses of the working class by a tiny minority of the population, the class of the landowners and that of the capitalists. It is a slave society, since the “free” workers, who all their life work for the capitalists, are “entitled” only to such means of subsistence as are essential for the maintenance of slaves who produce profit, for the safeguarding and perpetuation of capitalist slavery." (Lenin)
Let's quote this once more, only this time, with added comments. I suspect, however, that those who read this will actually see the error or the manipulation aimed at weaker minds. And that is a strange thing, as I see my self as a common man, with not special training -- a simple man, if you will, and if I can see this so clearly, then I imagine you will too, and the only reason this kind of teaching has ever caught on has to do with greed. Not the greed of the wealthy, though that does figure in for these modern times, but no, the greedy, in this case, of those believing they are not enjoying the riches of the world because they are being held back. Let's have a look.
"Present-day society is wholly based on the exploitation of the vast masses of the working class by a tiny minority of the population, the class of the landowners and that of the capitalists."
Maybe that was then -- the harder life -- the industrial revolution built upon the backs of the poor, but the fact remains, it is through this advancement in human activity that led to the modern society of leisure, for a greater percentage of the world's population. There would have been a legitimate complaint about putting profit over people, but as in all things human -- this is a human inclination to seek profit, monetary or otherwise -- even power, as in rulering over others, is driven by the god of mammon (money) -- even among those claiming that the Communist way is the pure way for all of humanity -- this is a But what about today? Certain adjustment have been been made. The digital revolution has taken hold. The USA built a society where the little guy, so to speak, actually had a chance for advancement and this came with the little guy being able to own their own property and to own their own house, and plan their own future. As modern nations developed the freedom of choice grew and the ability for a worker, any worker with the energy to apply themselves had the opportunity to live with the ability to grow into retirement age comfortably. And the governments of this world, use a taxing system to help with their ageing population. A win, win. However, along come the criminal element -- in both politics and the drug trade. When it gets down to every city being plagued with politician chasing after the money, selling themselves and their own people for more money than they could ever spend -- basically, our political system -- No, our politicians are for sale. And not only them, but some land owners are will to sell their land to Foreign investors, and somehow, making it possible for China and others to buy, literally buy, land or companies, and owning, then, a piece of America, or whatever country they seek to gain control over. How it this possible? Can an American company or private individual own a piece of Russia, or China? No, they can invest in, but no own. I could understand a leasing system, but not actual ownership. Then that great, little god, greed steps in and corrupts from the bottom up.
It is a slave society, since the “free” workers, who all their life work for the capitalists, are “entitled” only to such means of subsistence as are essential for the maintenance of slaves who produce profit, for the safeguarding and perpetuation of capitalist slavery."