Genesis Calendar
The Genesis Calendar
Compiled by Ron Baxley
Presented by Dan Baxley
By Ron Baxley
A brief Description
The Days then Nights are represented according to Genesis chapter One and shaded and to reference the seasons which are 4 -- 2 Equinox and 2 solstices.
Days then nights are the order for the hours of day – unlike beginning a modern day in the middle of the NIGHT, the first Hour of a Biblical Day actually begins at Sunrise, when a true “day” actually begins. The following verses are the Biblical support for this correction:
(Gen 1:3) And God said, "Let there be light," and there was light.(Gen 1:4) God saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness.(Gen 1:5) God called the light "day," and the darkness he called "night." And there was evening, and there was morning--the first day.
The months are presented by the Hebrew numbers, not pagan names and these number titles are located in the upper left corner, as well as the numerical day located in the upper left-hand corner for each day – no pagan names, only numerical values.
Tekufah, is a Hebrew reference for the equinox (2) and solstice (2), in other words, there are four Tekufah – just a fancy way of saying, Spring Equinox, or Tekufah, and the Winter Solstic, or Tekufah. Just another simple way to confuse things, but there is something cool about using Hebrew terms.
The first Tekufah (equinox) sets the beginning of the calendar for its first 30 days, that mark the 1st Month and from this 1st Month another 11 months follow for a total of 12 months making one year.
Speaking about the month of years, we need to point out that those of Judah follow a Moon Calendar. The Moon calendar amounts to 30 days for a month and amounts to 360 day for a complete year. The problem with this is the inaccuracy – it falls 5 days short of an actual day count. Remember, the day is that period of time that is determined by the Sun. We should be following a Solar calendar, and that is what this Genesis Calendar, is all about. It would appear that the Jews, coming out of their Babylonian Captivity, brought the Moon Calendar with them. Yes, the moon is mentioned in determining different Festivals, but the Calendar and the Weeks were not founded upon the 30 day moon cycle. The Babylonians were Moon worshipers and Israel’s 70 years under the absolute rule of these Moon worshipers led to their calendar, not the calendar delivered from the beginning of Genesis.
Shemittah is the 7th year of a 7 year cycle, or a week of years. And, if we count 7 Shemittah's, or 7 Weeks of Sabbaths, we have 49 years, with the 50th year becoming the year of Jubilee (Yobel, in Hebrew or Yoyvl in Yiddish). Jubilee is a time for celebration, it is a High Anniversary and from which the English word for Jubilation or celebration comes. There is a Jubilee once every 50th year.
A Georgian calendar “day” of month reference is in the right upper corner with the 1st and 15th of each month Genesis Month for reference. You will notice that the Genesis Calendar does not wander, it remains firm in its position, form month to month and year to year, while the dating for the Georgian and the Jewish calendar, the times roam around. While the 7 day week remains the same for both the Georgian, the Julian, and the Jewish calendars, the dates move. A great event that happened on a particular day may end up being celebrated on a different day due to the day numbers roaming through the months. This Genesis Calendar does not do that. If an event worthy of remembrance takes place or has taken place on a particular day of the week, it retains that day. For example, our Lord and Savior, YaHshua, was crucified on a Wednesday, the 4th day of the week (cut off in the midst of the week – Dan 9:27), this puts that Passover, the Passover of His crucifixion that Evening, or at the latest, on the 5th day of the week (Thrusday). The Crucifixion should be honored on that very same day, in the same month it all originally took place and with this Genesis Calendar it does but with all other calendars it does not. The Passover, by the Jews or the Gentile calendars continue it travel throughout the various days of the week as it travels from year to year as if it has never seen a fulfillment of its Prophetic meaning. To those of the Judah (YaHudah) it is a time to remember their deliverance from Egypt. To the follower of YaHshua, our Savior, it is a time to remember His Sacrifice for us, the day and date of His Crucifixion.
The New Moons, again just for a reference between this calendar and the Hebrew calendar being used today. There are times the New Moons are used in marking or determining to certain Holy Days, but the whole of the Calendar should not be based on the Moon cycles. The 360 day cycle may be convenient due to its even numbering and it may have been a perfect numbering system before the Great Flood, but all of that change as the true day of light became the Sun and its determination for the Day is 365 days for a complete year.
In this Genesis Calendar the moon’s left side is positioned near the dawn of its rising, and it tracked into the next month as it moves from new to old (Waxing and Waning – as it moves to becoming a full moon and then decreases from a full moon to no moon to a new moon, or waning)
This Calendar Maintains the days, weeks, months, seasons, shemittah, Jubilee (Yobel) and most importantly Sabbath’s and The Holy days in their proper place and days -- each year, falling on "its" own Day.
In the top center of each calendar month you will see the number for the Year. The first Number is a straight count from the year of creation to the present. The second number is the present year as determined by mankind for the number of years counting from the crucifixion or our Lord. At least this is an admission, by the world of men and women, that He existed. That number has been determined by many different studies to be off by as much as 7 years. With the Genesis Calendar this is not an issue.
One final note: The year, 5946, is one of two choices, the other being, 5782. It would seem that no one has the exact year, from the time of Creation to now, any more than the year our Lord and Savior was crucified. We have chosen the year 5946 because it seems a better fit. It should be noted, as well, that by using this year, 5946, and understanding the 7 thousand year principle – 7 days to a week, 7 years to a shimatah, 7 times the 7 years to a Jubilee and, ultimately, a thousand years as a day (coming around full circle) in Heaven we have the beginning of Earth’s recreation to the time of our Savior’s return, ending at the end of the 6th day of a thousand years, as we enter the 7th day or the last thousand years when our Savior will deliver us into the Kingdom. This means, then, that if we are in the actual year of 5946, then there remains a mere 54 years before His return.
But, keep in mind, if this is true, that there are many prophetic words to be filled or events to occur before that time – such as, the Great Quake, the Sign of His Coming, as is recorded with the 6th Seal – Revelation 6:12-17.
A sobering thought: 2022 plus 54 years, equals 2076-77 or 54 years to the end of year 6,000 -- The 6th day of the week, before entering the 7th Day or 7 thousandth year -- the possible Millennial period of years, or Sabbath we will enter at the Return of our Savior, YaHshua. This is why we can call this a Prophetic Calendar, a Calendar with Prophetic Meaning. A Calendar that is Forecasting the Future, unlike the world calendars that only record the past.
The Genesis Calendar