
Antichrists-who are they?
One of the Great Deceptions
by your servant, Dan Baxley
To uncover the "Antichrists and the Antichrist" we need to understand the importance of identity. We certainly understand the importance of our own names, connecting us to a family, to a bank account, and for paying our taxes but many fail to pay this kind of attention to our Creator, to our Savior, YaHshua. Letting me express how important this is we will then see the truth in identifying the Antichrists and the Antichrist. It is a battle of names, marks, seals, all having to do with names. We find this simple truth in the question --Which god is your god, whom do you call Lord? This is the same question Solomon ask with an expectation of an answer, "…what is His son's Name, surely you know!" He is not actually asking you to guess, he, under inspiration is saying you know, that, at least, you should know, so, do you?
Proverb 30:4 Who has ascended to heaven and come down? Who has gathered the wind in his fists? Who has wrapped up the waters in a garment? Who has established all the ends of the earth? What is his name, and what is his son's name? Surely you know! ESV
The Identity -- A Name -- The Name That Identifies the God you Worship from All Others -- Must be considered.
When it comes to identifying the Creator God and His Son, and our Savior, the scholars and teachers fall flat choosing to ignore the specific, revealed identity of our Savior, even that of our Heavenly Father when dealing with the lay members of the faith – it isn’t that they do not know, they choose to ignore this revealed truth. Why would they do this? Because, like you, that is what they have been taught. They will baptize you or anyone else seeking truth in the world, in the Word, into a name that never existed when the first Believers were baptized. In fact, the most popular name, JESUS, pronounced as HeyZeus (The Zeus) in at least one third of the world, the religious leaders, Pators, Minsters, and Priests will baptize you, but when questioned about the authenticity of this name, they will tell you that, "Oh well, you see, names do not matter, it is all about what is in your heart", Then they will go on to say that our Savior came in the "Authority", not a name, of the Father." Still, they have a particular name that they baptize the seekers, and those attempting to have a relationship with the very Son of the Living God. Names don't matter? They are liars, and if not directly lying to you and everyone else, they are aiding the liars, and if they are as deceived by this as you maybe, they they too are tools of the Deceiver, and not only are supporting the deception but may end up believing their own deceiving words.
2Ti 3:12-14 Indeed, all who desire to live a godly life in the Anointed YaHshua will be persecuted, while evil people and impostors will go on from bad to worse, deceiving and being deceived. But as for you, continue in what you have learned and have firmly believed, knowing from whom you learned it .
The true Savior, the Messiah, the real Christ of the first century, came to proclaim a "salvation" made available to all mankind and to reveal God the Father, whom the world had not heard of. The Savior, the One who went to the Cross for us, claimed that He, YaHshua, came in that NAME, The Name Of The Father. The religious leaders and people of then and before had not heard of the Father, not until YaHshua revealed Him. The Old Testament prophets hinted about Him, but not until YaHshua was He truly revealed. The Gospel of John is all about "personal identity" -- John 5:43; John 6:46; John 17:12; John 17:25: John 10:25; John 14:28; John 7:16; 1 John 4:2, and then -- Revelation 2:3; 2:13; 3:8; 3:5; 3:12; 21:27; 22:4 ---- "... and His NAME will be on their foreheads" -- ever wonder what the "mark" of God is? There are book written about the Mark of the Beast, and that Mark is a name -- a particular name -- Revelation 13:16. And they say that names don't matter. Back in the "old days", a person's name was called, "his mark". Sometimes a person's mark would be only a couple of lines or even an X on a paper as a sign of agreement in any matter, legal or otherwise among men. Sign here, used to be, "Put your mark here". Men and women who are supposed to know and teach the Word, will knowingly, or unknowingly lie right to your face. The Mark of the Beast matters, but the Mark of the God you worship, does not?
The teacher of the word, the scholars of the Scriptures should all be ashamed -- why don't they correct this error, this deception of "identity". The modern self-proclaimed prophets spend a great deal of time searching out the "identity" of the Beast and the False Prophet and have no problem properly identifying Satan, but when it come to our Creator, and Savior, or the Identity of our Heavenly Father, they tell us His Name is a lost identity. And yet, they supply many excuses for substitution by titles and other names, the promoting of a name that was created (invented) in the last 400 years, even as our Savior YaHshua Himself, warned --
(John 5:43) I am come in my Father's Name, and you receive me not: if another shall come in his own name, him you will receive.
These teachers are without excuse - along with virtually every Christian minister telling us god is God, lord is LORD. It is the same as telling us that all mountains are Sinai! They see the majesty, they see the beauty and they speak of the power, then they tell us that the Name of our Creator and Savior is, Lord, or God -- neither of which are names, but are titles, titles that can and are applied to many other -- 1 Cor 8:5-6. But wait, the fathers of Christianity, in more recent times, have CHANGED His Name -- supplanting our Savior’s birth Name with a false identity and by this they ultimately ignore our Heavenly Father's true identity as revealed to us by His Son (Mat 11:27). They call on other Gods and Lords by other names, names of false gods, and even resort to using titles as names covering the true identity that separates the Living God and His Son from all the false, dead, gods and lords of this world (read 1 Cor 8:5-6 again).
To say you have the one true god but do not recognize His true identity, increases exponentially the possibility of giving His glory to another. In following this error many major leaders in the Christian Churches tell us we are all searching for god in different ways, that we are all worshiping the same god -- the worship of wood and stone and gods of our own imaginations, some even teaching man is god. This idiotic teaching and attitude is so pagan it hurt my spirit just thinking about it. How dare anyone give the Glory of our Creator to anyone, or anything else. So, who is your god, do you know (Pro 30:4)? Even Islam make this same mistake, error, they call on Allah as a name and if it is a name, then it too is a false name. The term Allah is a term to replace the term “god” as a name -- in this they are correct but in the name they are wrong -- If we say Allah is the name for God, then what is your name for God? If we say “God” then what is the name of His son - can you tell me? Of course those of the Islamic religion do not recognize the Messiah as a "god" but as a great prophet, so this question is for those Christians saying the term "god" is a name. Allah is in a like manner used as a name but if they say Allah is the Name of God then they are wrong as this name never existed when YaHWeH identified Himself to Moses and, as a name, Allah does not translate or transliterate into or from His revealed Name, YaHWeH. YaHshua is the Name of our Savior, and He came in the Name of His Father, our Heavenly Father -- It is easy to prove, without a doubt, that Jesus is not His name and never could have been -- let’s establish a few things concerning His Identity and the importance of this knowledge as it concerns, also, the identities of the Antichrists.
If you do not have the Son, you do not have the Father - (1 John 2:23)
There is only one name found among mankind that can save - (Acts 4:12)
The Anti-Christs (plural -- more than one) can be identified - (1 John 4:1-4)
The liar is the one that denies YaHshua is the Christ, such is the Anti-Christ – not only is the Savior denied but the Father as well, because the Son comes (came) in the Father’s Name. To deny the one is to deny the other, so for all of you that say we do not need to know the Father by anything other designation than “Father” then I say to you, you had better reconsider your position and rethink this the next time you call on Him. The Father’s Name cannot be “Jesus” but we most definitely see His Name in the true “birth name” of our Savior, YaHshua. (1 John 2:22-23) So, who is the liar? The Muslims say YaHshua (Yeshua) was a great prophet but deny Him as the Son of the Living God, and the professing Christians say He, the Messiah of the New Testament, is the Savior but they deny His Name, which is also deny, then, the Father.
YaHshua makes a prophetic statement found in the book of Hebrews, taken from a quote in the Old Testament and it is a very meaningful statement, declaration, and pronouncement --
"I will declare your Name to my brothers; ..." (Hebrews 2:12 -- Ps 22:22)
Salvation - Confession
"Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved."
(Acts 4:12) (“Given” or found among men – on this earth, in other words)
The Name pointing to the One True Savior is a Name "found among mankind" -- it is not a secret Name, or a Name of angels or of some secret object, no, it is a Name men have and do use, a Name with the honor of being applied to our Savior and a Name that ultimately points to our Heavenly Father. If you see this, if you can accept this then it is not I that has made this known to you but YaHshua Himself – He is the one making this known to a select few. I take no responsibility whatever for this knowledge as it is not mine it is received from my Savior and I pray He will make this known to you also, but perhaps not, for as in the days of Noah, when the end approached, there were few that understood enough to be save from the flood. As in the days of Noah, so everyone goes about their business as if nothing is going to happen, as if all things go on as from the beginning. Do you see it, can you see it, if so I thank our Savior YaHshua for opening your eyes and for allowing me to be a small tool in this personally revealed truth.
The test verses are:
(Philippians 2:11) And that every tongue should confess that YaHshua the Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
(Matthew 10:32) Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven.
(1 John 4:15) Whosoever shall confess that YaHshua is the Son of God, God dwelleth (lives) in him, and he in God. (Ever wonder whom the Holy Spirit is?)
(2 John 1:7) For many deceivers are entered into the world, who confess not that YaHshua the Christ is come in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an Antichrist.
The operative word in the above verse is, “come”, not that He was originally flesh but that he would come in the Flesh. He and He alone is from above, subjecting Himself to the flesh, as we are, and tempted in all things, as we are, He endured the flesh, as we must, and proved the resurrection from the death of the flesh is possible, but only through Him, for life eternal without Him is only temporary.
1 Cor 15:42-49 ...
1Cor 15:44 It is sown a natural body; it is raised a spiritual body. There is a natural body, and there is a spiritual body.
1Cor 15:45 And so it is written, The first man Adam was made a living soul (flesh); the last Adam was made a quickening spirit (eternal).1Cor 15:46 Howbeit that was not first which is spiritual, but that which is natural; and afterward that which is spiritual.
The first soul, Adam, was not spirit but of the flesh. Not to confuse the word, "soul" with "spirit", as so man do, we are told that The First ADAM was flesh, and that with men, the flesh comes first, later the Spirit, by the resurrection. These verse disclose that YaHshua, called the Second Adam, came from heaven, a Spirit being becoming a soul, that is in the Flesh. This is all about the Resurrection from the dead. This chapter also confirms YaHshua's origin as from Heaven, while all others in the flesh are from this Earth, or earthly. This also disproves those who claim that we were all once spirit beings being recycled. Some teach that we were once the rebellious angels and are put into the flesh to prove ourselves. The teaching we find in the New Testament is contrary to that false teaching. We are sown in the flesh, just as Adam was made from the dirt and water of this earth, so are we. We are the perfect AI (Artificial Intelligence) -- think about it.
Three ways to Denial
An example of denial leading to being an “antichrist” is found in the Muslim acceptance of Yeshua (YaHshua) having actually lived: The Islamic religion acknowledges Yeshua as a prophet, a man of flesh and blood but deny He “came” from heaven as the Son. In this denial they pronounce that they are “antichrists” (plural).
What about the Jews, let’s not exclude them, after all, some if not most of the Orthodox and Ultra-Orthodox Jews deny YaHshua ever existed and those that do refuse Him as Savior and never as the Son of their God. The religious, devote Jew, is then, also and “antichrist”.
Let’s not leave the Christians out either – they say the Messiah of the bible came from Heaven, so He did “come” down here from above, but then they deny Him personally by giving him another name, a pagan name pronounced by most in the world as “the Zeus”. By using another’s name and making Holy Days, festivals and customs of pagans past their own. How do they do this?
Those wonderful holidays - days based on Pagan theology:
Easter (subbing for the Passover) is a festival of renewal in the pagan world and involved all things sexual and reproductive. Ever wonder why the “Easter eggs, and the Easter bunny? The title of this Holy Day has been connected to the goddess Ishtar and Asherah. Easter is considered the replacement for the Passover with is at a different time and is in remembrance of our Savior’s sacrifice for us.
Christmas is a time of cutting down a tree and decorating it and laying gifts at its feet and celebrating the birth of a young King. This is a guess, of course as no one really knows when the true Christ was born but from the timing in the Gospel accounts we know He was not born in the middle of winter, but this did not stop the Christians for adopting a pagan celebration to the child god Tammuz whose birth day just happens to be December 25. Christmas has been declared as a Federal Holiday to protect its financial blessing to the seasonal retailers.
The Messiah worshiped on the seventh day, Saturday, the same day our Creator rested from creation but the Christians have chosen the first day of the week, the Suns day (Sunday) and with a little less research and some assumption turn the Suns day into the time of our Savior’s resurrection. The Suns day was, of course, the high day for the Romans engaged in Sun worship, seen as the father of Tammuz.
Heaven and Hell: The main Christian concept of Heaven and Hell drowns in pagan views and teachings that are really laughable to the intelligent mind. The Bible tells us only the Messiah has come from Heaven (John 3:13) and he that comes from Heaven can go to Heaven. Hell is taught as a terrible place where the sinners go to live forever – really? To live, not die, but live forever in torment? The pagan concept is clearly demonstrated in this false doctrine – no one really dies, not really, as even the wicked will live and not really die. Sound familiar? It should, this is the very same thing Satan told Eve – “You surly will not die…” – calling God a liar. No one really dies, the teach, either you go to Heaven and live a life in eternity filled with boredom or go to Hell and live eternally in pain but still alive with all of the fun people. Then there is the other place dreamed up to answer the question about people not bad enough to life in Hell and not good enough for life in Heaven and that is the place in-between, Purgatory, some call it. All of this is the religion of the Anti- Christs, believing the “original lie”, “You shall not die…” (Genesis 3:4).
The Bible, the inspired words of our Savior, YaHshua, teaches the coming Kingdom (Government) of God – He is coming here, we are not going there. Hell Fire is a place reserved and created for Satan and His angels and it is truly a place the wicked will be thrown, not of live, but to die, to burn up into nothingness. This Hell Fire is going to be created; it is not created yet and is still for the future, as our Lord, YaHshua, tells us.
(Mat 25:41) Then shall he say also unto them on the left hand, Depart from me, you cursed, into everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels:
(Rev 20:14-15) And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death. And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.
The first death is when you die in the flesh – then raised back to life for the White Throne Judgement and from those resurrected back into the flesh to be judged will be those proven wicked and antichrists will be tossed to suffer the second death from which there is no return. “Second death”, not second life. Only those having accepted YaHshua as Savior, when given the opportunity, be it before or after from the foundations of Creation. Coming face to face with our Savior it is hard to imagine anyone rejecting Him, but apparently some will.
Professing Christian religions are so far removed from what the Scriptures have to say that they have to set up heads (Prophets, Popes and Apostles) to reinterpret the Word to suit their cherished pagan ways, to cover themselves in their own reasoning. Ever wonder why there are so many different denominations? It is difficult for self-proclaimed religious leaders to share their perceived power and authority with others.
There is a sense that the Old Covenant and the Laws found in the Hebrew Scriptures, that testify of our Savior YaHshua, are done away, abolished, even though our Savior says otherwise (Mat 5:16-18), the revealed commandments of our Creator, commandments that reveal His Mind, in governing the physical world, they, the Pagan Christian leaders, say it is abolished under the label of "LEGALISM". It is a common retort if you suggest that the "clean and unclean" food laws should be followed, that you are being a "LEGALISTIC" -- which is basically saying that it is abolished. Usually, if the argument continues, the Christian Leader will insist that all "unclean" foods are made pure by the prayer of "thanks" (saying grace at the table). This is a misunderstanding, even a twisting of scripture, and this can be illustrated by considering one of the most popular of unclean foods that most Christians consume, over and above all others meats -- the pig, and all things pork, from BBQ, to breakfast, and nearly every Christian feast it is the centerpiece of the table. Millions died from eating this unclean meat, until the microscope was invented and it was discovered that early death among some populations was due to a diet filled with pork products. Why? Because it was discovered that this animal had a parasite, deadly to humans. Not until around 1859 did anyone take up research in humans becoming infected with a deadly parasite and its origin being that of pigs. Eventually, instead of banning this animal, or following the advice, the warning, found in the Hebrew writings about clean and unclean food, men began figuring out how to keep eating this animal, as opposed to banning it from the human food chain. Cook it, they said, without any consideration that men and women would then be eating a polluted pig flesh filled with dead worms -- hey, a two protein source -- this is when the rules for raising pigs changed, becoming more stringent, but nearly impossible to enforce. Those raising pigs for food were supposed to feed them on grains only, but private small farms continued to let these unclean animals roam wild, and the consumer was told -- make sure you cook this meat through and through. My point being, that the Pray of Thanks over a meal, could not have meant that unclean meats were made clean, otherwise the Christians in centuries past would not have suffered early death from being infested with this parasite found in pig flesh. And, that was only one of the animals tagged in Scripture as "unclean". Its your life. It's your choice.
When will all be fulfilled? After the Millennial rule of our Savior YaHshua, and this after the Judgement then a New Heaven and a New Earth, this will be the final fulfilment of “fulfilling all things”. But the pagan Christians make this claim all the same, effectively abolishing directives and revelations, under the title, or accusation called, "being legalistic". And then they do an odd thing, by chaining the new believers to a different set of rules and doctrines, most of which have pagan origins and are not truly biblical, but in a crafty way, the pagan customs and teachings are woven into their gospel narrative. Oh yes, they say, we are free from the Law, and they are right, in part -- we are free from the required penalty of the Law, which is death, but this is not, and should not be a license to sin -- Rom 3:8 & Rom 6:1. We escape this through our acceptance of YaHshua as our Savior, in our confessing in Him, by His Name and no other -- Acts 4:12. We do have a freedom in our Savior, from this life to the next, a freedom He bought for us, but we are not to continue in wilful sin -- Once this freedom is realized the leadership sees they have a problem in building their work or desire for greatness so they must prove to you and me they have the truth. They may be sincere but wrong as they bring new converts into the pagan way under the Banner of the Holy Bible. With these pagan holidays, festivals and traditions they call on their god Jesus, a name that never existed until 4-500 years ago. This truth should wake people up but most when faced with this fact want to argue and refuse to accept they have been duped – Jesus is not and has never been His Name – it is not His Name and it is not the Name of our Heavenly Father – wake up if you haven’t already.
Restoring His Name -- Restore His Name
By restoring our Savior's birth name we can see the impact of the above test verse and those verses dealing with the Antichrist and the name and the mark of the Beast to come. The name JESUS is a modern invention coming to us from around the 16-17 the century (Original spelling, Iesus, in the KJV of 1611 bible -- how would you pronounce that name?). The European version of this lie concerning the "birth name" of our Savior is IeSUS even this day, pronounced Ie-Zuus (The - Zeus ?). It is the British, the Americans and other English speaking people that say Jesus (gee-zuz). The claim is this name, Iesus, is from the Greek Iesous, pronounced Ie-soos, or Hay-soos, which not even close to the English – it is not a transliteration and it is not a translation of the original name delivered to Maryam. Mary and Joseph did not name our Savior, they were told what to name Him and it was not the name JESUS. This is the lie, this is the deception and everyone, nearly, has accepted it. Take the vowels out of this name Jesus (Iesus) and you have JSS or ISS, the sound of a snake and a very similar name to Isis the Egyptian goddess whose number among the gods is 666. If you take the Greek, from whom the King James Version translators have derived their first name, Iesus, Iesous and remove the vowels you still have ISS and this predates the KJV and all modern translation.
The truth is far from the twisting of names so closely associated with names appealing to the Romans and the Greeks – the truth is not even close as the deception is total over the world of the Christian Church as we see it today. The birth Name of the Messiah is YaH-shua (Seen as Joshua, in the O.T. KJV and most other modern versions), which is to say, YH's Savior, or YaH's Salvation. He came in the name of His Father, YH (YaH). His birth name came from our Heavenly Father by way of an angelic messenger, not by man -- a Name chosen from among men but chosen by His Father from Heaven. Joseph and Mary were instructed to Name Him a certain Name, a Name from His Heavenly Father -- They were not asked their opinion! They were both told, at different times and apart from one another, what to Name this child! If names don’t matter, as some say, then why didn’t God the Father leave it up to them?
To Joseph: (Matthew 1:21 ) "And she shall bring forth a son, and thou (Joseph) shalt call his name JESUS (?): for he shall save his people from their sins." KJV
Note: Jesus should read, with the knowledge they had in 1611, Joshua at the least. (Do you see the lie? The name Jesus did not exist at the time the KJV was being put together but the Name Joshua did and does to this day. It is found in the Holy Bible it is one of the O.T. books, Joshua, and is the name of a famous leader of Israel, Joshua (Y'shua), but the translators choose to use a corrupted name, a name following a corrupt tradition, a name more closely related to a pagan god (Zeus) than to a real champion of Scripture -- our Savior was named a Name chosen by His Heavenly Father. It would have been correct, at the time of the creation of the KJV Authorized, in their present knowledge, to have used the name "Joshua" but they followed the tradition of the Roman Church in using a corrupted Latin name bastardized from the Greek neither of which were transliterations of His birth name). This deception goes all the way back to before Constantine and his declaring the Christian religion the state religion.
To Mary: (Luke 1:31) And, behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a son, and shalt call His Name JESUS (?). KJV
Jesus is not the name given to Mary -- this is not the name Mary is commanded to name the child -- she is told to Name Him YaHshua (Old English JOSHUA), the same name as the man that led Israel into the promise land. A name found among men and in the found in the Old Testament. Joshua, is the Name transliterated as JOSHUA in the KJV bible, so why did the KJV translators change it to JESUS, when they already had the more correct, JOSHUA? The name “Jesus” did not exist until around 1600 years after His birth, but for some strange reason this made up name found a home in the translation known as the King James Authorized Version -- a government bible approved, and commissioned by the king to be read in the churches of England – authorized, not by God, but by the King of England, and ever since then the Christian communities have been calling on a different name, this other name. Our Savior even gave us a prophetic word concerning this very thing.
(John 5:43) I have come in my Father's Name, and you do not accept Me; but if someone else comes in his own name, you will accept him.
How true, how true – our Savior saw this happening. First the Latins, the Roman Catholics took the Greek twist and added their own Latin twist, coming up with IESVS and then the English took it and twisted it again into JESUS. Originally, in the original KJV translation the Name used was the same as the Latin, IESVS, but within a very few years changed this to JESUS. Certianly “another” name, not His Name.
What our Savior Said
(John 6:43) I have come in my Father's name, and you do not accept me; But someone else comes in his own name, you will accept him. NIV (A different name is accepted without any resistance at all—incredible, but our Savior new this would happen and warned his followers of just such a thing)
(John 17:8) Holy father, protect them by the power of your name -- the name you gave me -- so that they may be one as we are one.
Do you see the error of the world's wisdom? The LIE presented as truth. Following the traditions of men they do error in teaching JESUS as YaHshua. The JESUS of the King James Version is emphasized by all capital letters, in the verses quoted, pointing to its significance, but this name is dead wrong even though the translators have "capitalized" that bogus name to signify its importance -- they know but deny the power thereof, following their own customs and traditions, denying the Holy Name of our Savior. The name delivered by the angelic messenger, the name "thou shalt call", is YaHshua, a Hebrew name for a Hebrew baby, not the pagan name JESUS (Hey-Zeus, or He-soos). Yes, there is the argument – “no one can prove the name Jesus is in reference to the Greek and Roman god Zeus” -- this does not remove the fact, however, that 2/3 of the world pronounce the name Jesus as Ie-Zues, or "the Zeus". The fact is -- pagan Europe does not say, Gee-sus, like the English, but Hey-zeus (Ie-sus). Please, wake up, do not allow this delusion to fog your mind. The name Jesus is not the Hebrew/Jewish equivalent of YaHshua -- YaHshua is the equivalent -- from Hebrew/Jewish to English and European it is YaHshua and is found in the English bibles as “Joshua” (properly pronounced as Y’shua). In the 16th century, when the KJV translators were at work the equivalent would have been this name Joshua, or Ieshua, pronounced, YeHshua, but they chose, Ie-sus instead. Why? Think about it a little and you will know the answer.
In John 5:43, by the Christ's own words, He claims to have come in His Father's Name. Later, as He could see His approach to the Cross, and know that His mission, His purpose for coming in the flesh would soon see its prophetic finish or fulfillment in His tormented prayer He specifically states He was "given" this Name (John 17:11-12), a Name of power, oaf authority, and of salvation, a Name above every name, a Name of unity between Him and His Heavenly Father and a Name He wants and prays we, as followers, will find the same unity. This Name separates Him and our Heavenly Father from all other gods, all other "lords", by a particular Name making reference to His and our Heavenly Father -- a Name given to Him at birth, and that He had before this world existed -- Read all of His Prayer, the words from His own lips, and then read it again, and again. In John 17:20, we read that those words, those intimate words, were not meant only for His original disciples, but for us too.
At an earlier time we notice that He says someone will come in a different name and will be accepted (John 6:43). In this we see a prophetic statement witnessed by the body of the Living Christ, the Church, His Church on this Earth that an another name, a different name, a different Messiah being accepted by the World.
Who are the anti-christs, the anti-messiah people? That question has already been answered but here it is again – the religious Jews, the religious Muslims of Islam, and the Pagan Christians that preach and teach in this false name Jesus. The pagan Christians have the right book and have the message in varying degrees but deny the personal Savior of the Gospels and testified about in the Hebrew Scriptures.
Are names important?
The Scriptures are filled with references about names and the Name of the Creator but for now I would like to quote just one, a verse that is a little more personal to you, and me. We will forget that Joseph and Mary were not allowed to name Him, we don’t need to point out that our Savior prayed His followers would be kept in His Name, or that eventually every knew will bow to Him and His Name, and move on to read a personal message to you.
(Revelation 3:5) He that over comes, the same shall be clothed in white raiment; and I will not blot out his name out of the book of life, but I will confess his name before my Father, and before his angels.
It seems that your name is important, how much more the Messiah's, and of our Heavenly Father? He, YaHshua, is willing to confess your name before His Father, so, where should this leave us? How then should we treat His Name, a Name found among the names of men but given Him by His Father from Heaven?
(Mat 10:32)Whosoever therefore shall confess me before men, him will I confess also before my Father which is in heaven.
(2Ti 2:19) Nevertheless the foundation of God stands sure, having this seal, The Lord knows them that are his. And, Let every one that names the name of Christ depart from iniquity.
Php 2:10-11) That at the name of YaHshua every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; And that every tongue should confess that YaHshua the Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
So! Who are the Anti-Christs, those Anti-to the Real Messiah?
If you haven’t guessed the answer to that question you need to reread everything in this article. The Antichrist can be a single personality and it can also be an uncountable number of people, like other professors of the faith and like those of other religions -- Islam acknowledges YaHshua as a prophet but denies Him as the Son of God, they deny Him as Savior. Anyone that denies "YaHshua as the Messiah", come in the flesh, is an Antichrist, an anti-messiah. Anyone denying YaHshua as Savior will also be denied, by YaHshua. If you count yourself a believer and accept "Jesus" as Messiah and deny "YaHshua", then you must answer the question, who is the Messiah? Jesus or YaHshua? If you say "Jesus", knowing better, having the knowledge of His true identity, then you qualify for the title as one of the "Antichrists". This is a question you need to answer. No, Jesus is not YaHshua, and it does matter.
(Philippians 2:9-11) Therefore God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name, that at the name of YaHshua every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth, and every tongue confess that YaHshua the Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father. NIV
(Heb 13:15) Through YaHshua, therefore, let us continually offer to God a sacrifice of praise--the fruit of lips that confess his name. NIV (Most Christians and Jews)
(1Jn 2:18) Dear children, this is the last hour; and as you have heard that the antichrist is coming, even now many antichrists have come. This is how we know it is the last hour. NIV
(2Jn 1:7) For many deceivers are entered into the world, who confess not that YaHshua the Christ is come in the flesh. This is a deceiver and an antichrist. KJV (Mainly the Muslims of the Islamic religion)
(1Jn 4:3) And every spirit that confesses not that Yahshua the Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world. KJV (The Muslims following the teachings of their Imam's fall into this category)
(1Jn 2:22) Who is a liar but he that denies that YaHshua is the Christ? He is antichrist, that denies the Father and the Son. (Let no one tell you this is not important – read this verse again)
Reading the above verses it is plain to see there can be more than one "Antichrist", and it is the acceptance or rejection of a NAME – His Name -- that determines this. There is another scripture that speaks of a single individual that is identified by many as the Antichrist, and while this may be true, he is not alone.
(2Th 2:3-4) Let no man deceive you by any means: for that day shall not come, except there come a falling away first, and that man of sin be revealed, the son of perdition; Who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God, or that is worshipped; so that he as God sites in the temple of God, shewing himself that he is God.
This "man of sin" is written about and is covered by many commentators covering many different angles to the exclusion of the other "antichrists", in most cases ignoring the aspect of multiple antichrists. What is unusual about this single "antichrist", this “man of sin” is his personal deception. Not only does he deny Yahshua but goes against all that is called God (?) -- all that is worshipped (?) -- seeing himself as God (?). His personal deception is so great it does not only deceive his followers but himself as well -- he believes he is God, or, in God’s stead (?). The ultimate deceiver is one that believes the "lie" also, and while he reached the height of deception, of deceiving and being deceived, he is not alone. This trait is common, in varying degrees, among the great artists of persuasion, the more you believe in your product, yourself, and the message you preach, right or wrong, the more convincing you can be.
(2Ti 3:13) But evil men and seducers shall wax worse and worse, deceiving, and being deceived.
All the same, this special, singular Antichrist is given something other deceivers of the past have not ever been granted, something that will push him over the top as the ultimate deceiver of all time head long into a deception that will end in the worst way -- eternal death. You might say, or see, this coming great deceiver, is the ultimate child of Satan -- Satan's attempt at doing what has already been done, attempting to replace the real Messiah, the true Christ.
(Rev 13:2) "... and the dragon gave him (the Beast) his power, and his seat, and great authority".
(Rev 13:4) And they worshipped the dragon which gave power unto the beast: and they worshipped the beast, saying, Who is like unto the beast? Who is able to make war with him?
What do we see? Satan, that old Dragon, receives adulation vicariously through the Beast, that man and Antichrist thinking himself to be God -- Satan's desire, to be as God exhibited in him, the false Christ. The ultimate deceiver is granted the "power" of Satan and even given his seat of authority (Rev 13:2-4).
This has to be a really big deal for Satan, to relinquish power to a human, even to giving up his "seat", the place of his authority? One cloud say this deceiver will be Satan in the flesh (the stuff movies are made of). We can look at history and see what men will do and have done thinking they are doing the will of God, or have been chosen by God for a greater purpose. Some have sacrificed their own lives for the sake of others but others, maybe fewer in number, have caused either directly or indirectly the death of millions. Imagine someone with the full power of Satan? Son of Satan -- the ultimate deceiver and denier of YaHshua as the Christ – thinking himself God. This is what Satan failed at and we know the Beast and his false Prophet will also fail.
Some others have suggested the coming "Antichrist" will be a Muslim, the 12th Imam, perhaps? This is not something new. For anyone with access to a Clark's commentary you will see Clark saw the Islamic religion as a religion of Satan and the Antichrists of his day and of bible prophecy. This bible commentary dates from 1830 AD so the idea Islam is connected with the "antichrist" image is not new, far from it.
The Antichrists as Religion
During the same historical period when Dr. Clark saw the Muslims as the religion of the antichrist, others were naming the Roman Catholic church as antichrist religion, with the Pope calling himself God, or at the least, Vicar of Christ (In place of Christ) -- taking titles to himself that belong to our Creator and Savior. Certainly the office of the Pope, past and present, who have occupied that seat of power have claimed the right to bind and lose anything on earth and in Heaven -- sure sounds like Godly powers being passed on to Peter, doesn't it? By pagan Christianity promoted by the Roman Catholic Church, accepting the word of the Pope over the Scriptures, under the authority of "binding and losing", embedding Pagan Customs one of the biggest Cults of all time. Maybe this office of the Pope, will be born the End-time false prophet -- Rev 13:11-16?
(Mat 16:18-19) And I say also to you,That you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever you shalt bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shalt loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.
Please notice that our Lord did not say, “That on you Peter I will build my Church…”, NO, He said, "upon this Rock”, meaning Himself – YaHshua is the only individual that is consistently identified as the “ROCK” – the Rock of Israel, the Rock of our Salvation – Deut 32:4, 31, ...for their rock is not our ROCK ... and consider – 1 Cor 10:4, identifies, without doubt just who the ROCK is – READ IT -- "And did all drink the same spiritual drink: for they drank of that spiritual Rock that followed them: and that Rock was Christ".
Once we establish just who the ROCK is, the we come to the apparent transfer of POWER.
(Mat 18:18) Verily I say unto you, Whatsoever you shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever you shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven.
This was a statement made, seemingly, to Peter but it should be noted that the other Disciples were present as well and not one questioned who He was talking to or about. Also notice, that at a later date, YaHshua made this same statement of binding and loosing to those sent out in His Name, sent out Two by Two (Mark 6:7-8), so this should tell us that this was not exclusive to Peter at all, and certainly not to the Pope, or Papa, a title and term reserved only for out Father in Heaven (Mat 23:9). This was a special gift handed over to them and not anyone else but the Children of God and his Disciples and Apostles, not just a single individual, and nothing says that this power was ever handed over anyone else. Others, however, have taken this to themselves and applied these words to their chosen leaders. The Roman Church grabbed hold of the verses, concerning Peter and the other disciples, to mean their POPE (PaPa, father - Mat 23:9 - going against Our Lord's own word), handing this, ultimate power to a single man. Also, we find later that Peter is identified as the Apostle to the Jews, while Paul is the Apostles to the Gentiles (Gal 2:9, Acts 9:15; 22:21, Rom 15:16). Peter, also called Cephas, or "stone", as a "pebble", a small rock, and a name given to him by YaHshua -- YaHshua was not transferring His own identity, as the ROCK of Israel to Peter. Peter, along with the other original 12 were to go to the “circumcision”, the Jews, the house of Israel, while Paul was to go the Gentiles -- if you think this sounds off from what you have been taught, then go back and read those verse again -- it was agreed, that Paul and Barnabas would go to the Gentiles, NOT Peter, James, John or any of the other Apostles. Is the Roman Catholic Church a Jewish Church, then? Hardly, but they have taken a title to themselves that does not and never has belonged to them -- for power and control a church of the world, matching that of the great Babylonian religion of the ancients – daughter Babylon, or daughters of Babylon?
The Jews of the Ultra-Orthodox wing are also “antichrists” and it is conceivable the Beast could be the “man of sin”, or the coming Beast whom the False Prophet will cause everyone to worship. We will know that answer to these speculations one day but for today we are witnesses of His Word and its truth as it unfolds on a world scale and in our personal lives.
We have three groups that prove to be Antichrist, the Muslim Islamic religion, the Roman Catholic religion, and the Jewish religion. Each of these groups has splinter groups and other children feeding off of their mother church but what we have are the three major religions, centred around the place where YaHWeH chooses to put His Name and each has, in some way, denied YaHshua as the true Messiah. We have the central religion, the Jewish religion, centered and at the center of Biblical prophecy stationed at and around Jerusalem (YaHushalom). Then we have Islam the second (maybe soon to be the first) largest religion based in the Eastern part of the once great Roman Empire, and next we have the Roman Catholic religion of equal size to the West. The East and the West, like the legs of the Image in Daniel 2:33 – the image has TWO LEGS that eventually become TWO FEET with TEN TOES, the last Beast Kingdom.
Consider This:
Consider, the Difference between Jesus and Yahshua!
1. Jesus followers depict him in paintings having long hair, like a woman.
Yahshua, likely had short hair considering the Apostles instructions -- 1 Cor 11:14-15 "... if a man have long hair, it is a shame unto him"
2. Jesus' birthday is celebrated on December 25, 01 AD (or is it 00, or -01 or -04, or -07 BC).
YaHshua's birth is not really known for sure but educated guesses and biblical evidence suggest September - October, B.C. 4-7, probably around the Feast of Trumpets (Holy Day for the Israelis and Jews - a day Christians should consider with respect to Matthew 24:31). One thing is sure, the shepherds and the sheep were still out in the open at that time of the birth. By the month of December the sheep would have been corralled and the shepherds indoors, winters in the area of Bethlehem are not pleasant, and December would not have been a month that the shepherd, nor their sheep, would be have out on the range. Plus, nowhere is the birth of our Savior made into a Holy day, or holiday and not one of the Apostles suggest we celebrate His birth. There is a lot, however, mentioned about Him being the Passover and our Passover (not Easter, a pagan festival of fertility and rebirth). He is the sacrificial Lamb and is our Passover but few Christians recognize the Passover, opting instead for Easter, of pagan origin, having to do with fertility rites and the resurrection of the Sun (sun rise services). Please, be sure in your own mind as one man will honor one day over another and another does not, just be sure it is all in honor of your Savior, be convinced in your own mind. Pagan festivals have no power over you, or shouldn't one way or another. They cannot hurt you nor do you good, but whatever you decide, do in His honor for He has set you free from all commandments of men. By the evidence of the Christian customs, we can call those brothers and sisters, who have not yet been granted full vision, Pagan Christians.
3. Jesus is worshiped in "Sunrise services" every Sunday Easter (Easter Sunday) by millions of professing Christians. Facing the east, early Sunday morning. Professing believers pay homage to the rising of the sun as a symbol of the rising of the Son of God from the dead, a truly pagan practice. Renegade Israelite priest practiced this very same Sun worship -- Ezek 8:16-17, and it is called an "abomination" -- what? And you thought Easter is just and innocent custom? Or maybe you thought it is all about bunnies and eggs, an innocent holiday (holy- day) for the kids? And why would objects used by pagans, past and present, as sex, fertility objects be used to indoctrinate the children?
YaHshua, in reality, had already risen - the tomb was found "empty" early Sunday morning, before the Sun had risen, and the angel that met the first visitors, telling them, "He is gone" (Mat 28:1-6). He was not there He was already gone. His resurrection occurred late Saturday evening. How do we know? One thing to note here -- it is modern man's custom to recognize a "day" beginning in the middle of the "night", another example of mankind changing times, a opposed to what the Bible, and nature teach us. However, in the time of that first century, the "day" did not begin until the Sun rose in the horizon, and night began as the setting of the Sun, in the opposite horizon. We know this because the New Covenant clearly says the hour of the day that our Lord was Crucified.
For example: In Matthew 28:1, we are told that the Tomb was found empty at dawn, the beginning of the "first day", which is Sunday -- remember, the 7th day is the Saturday Sabbath. And we have our Lord, in John 11:9, telling us something everyone knew back then -- that there are 12 hours in a day. And in Matthew 20:3-6, we have our Lord comparing the Kingdom invitation being given to workers at different hours of the day - the 3 hour, the 6th hour and the 11 hour, and no one thinks He is talking about hours of the night. And in Mark 15:25, we are told the hour that they crucified Him -- the 3rd hour -- if sunrise were around 7 am, then we can know the approximate time to be around 10 am in the morning. We need to know this because the times of the day have been changed, putting the beginning of a day, as mentioned before, into the middle of the night. In modern times, the first hour of the day is at 12-1 am, at night. Make sense? No, but that is how it is done today, and this disfigures what the Word is telling us, and is an example for how it is men that confuse the word, almost deliberately, one would think.
Let us consider point 4 --
4. Jesus is said to have been crucified Friday evening and raised back to life on Sunday morning. This is far from what YaHshua said, when challenged to prove Himself by some great miracle -- and the only proof He said that He would give would be the proof of Jonah. This Jesus that most Christians pray to and the Preachers, Priests and Pastors promote, is said to have been crucified on a Friday and raised on Sunday morning -- approximately a day and a half -- that is, two nights sandwiching one day, clearly not what YaHshua said about Himself.
Yahshua said – That the only proof he would give would be the sign of Jonah. The sign of Jonah is the defining proof, and to suggest anything else is to call the Messiah, YaHshua, a liar (forgive me Father for making such a statement). Yahshua said, “So shall the Son of man be three days and three night in the heart of the earth …” -- Jonah had been in the belly of the great fish, prepared by YHWH, for three days and three nights (Jonah 1:17, Matthew 12:39-40). He was not speaking in a general way but a very specific way, clearly stating a comparison with the Jonah event, and no one, that is no one, disputed the Jonah account. YaHshua used the Jonah account and said this this would be the proof. His disciple would remembered His words later, and the religious authorities also remembered those words and for that reason, requested armed guards be placed at the Garden Tomb (Mat 27:63-63 and 16:21; 17:23; 20:18; 20:19). Remembering His words, and experiencing the fulfillment of those word, eventually reminded His disciples, and quickened their spirit to the point that they were willing to give up their own lives for the Gospel message and the Testimony about YaHshua (Luke 24:7-9). He was crucified on a Wednesday, in the middle of the week, and was 3 days and 3 night, just as He said, in the grave, heart of the earth, a carved out tomb, a hole in the earth. This site was found empty, before the sun had risen, that Sunday morning, the 1st day of the week. A huge difference from the account taught in the Church Sunday schools. Jesus was 1 1/2 days, they say, in the grave, and raised Sunday morning, as the Sun rose. But YaHshua was 3 day and 3 nights, and the Tomb was found empty before the rising of the Sun -- found empty before, so this would mean that He rose from the dead, sometime prior to sunrise. John 20:1 -- "Now on the first day of the week, Miriam Magdalene went early, while it was still dark, to the tomb, and saw the stone taken away from the tomb."
YaHshua was cut off in the midst of the week on Passover Wednesday, a full three days and three nights ahead of His resurrection, not on Friday. But just as He said, just as his disciples remembered. YaHshua spent three days and three nights in the grave, in the heart of the earth, not a day and a half as the pagan Christians teach. -- Crucified on Wednesday covered in death that evening as the sun began to set, resurrected Saturday evening, exactly three days and three nights later, just as Jonah was in the belly of the "great fish". The Christian Jesus, on the other hand, cannot meet the truth test for the Messiah's claim of being the Son of the Living God. Read it again - Matthew 12:39-41, Luke 11:29-32. Jesus, as proclaimed by the vast majority of Christian teachers, was only one day and a half in the grave, whereas YaHshua was exactly three days and three nights in the grave, just as He said and just as His disciples remembered it. The importance of this cannot be stressed enough. And, let us not forget, the name JESUS, never existed until around the 15th century. Just as our Lord predicted, "... another would come in his own name..." John 5:43. And, we can see this warning to the Corinthians -- 2 Cor 11:4 -- For if he that comes preaching another YaHshua (Messiah, or Savior), whom we have not preached, or if you receive another spirit, which you have not received, or another gospel, which you have not accepted, you might well bear with him.
5. Jesus is honored weekly on the Suns-day, the first day of the week.
YaHshua observed the seventh day, as was His custom (Luke 4:16), making the Sabbath as a day of the week to honor the God of the Hebrew Bible. The Creator, YHWH, also the Creator of the seventh day, a day He called a day of rest (Gen 2:2-3) -- YaHshua, too, is Lord of the Sabbath -- Matthew 12:8. This is keeping with the Ten Commandments, so many Christians adore but ignore the Sabbath Commandment. The Sabbath command is the Fourth Command, "Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy" (Exodus 20:1-17). Can anyone find where, anywhere in the pages of scripture we are told the Sabbath day (seventh day of the week, according to Genesis) had been changed to the Sun's day, to the first day of the week? No, but the followers of Jesus have changed the time to suit their false god, or should I say the Popes, past and present of the Catholic religion. And, it would seem, this giant Sun Cult is responsible for this change. Not a change, really, but a keeping of the Pagan worship, infiltrated into what should be the word of the living God, altering and twisting His word to maintain their pagan (Babylonian) religious control over governments, kingdoms and people. Shades from Daniel 7:25, anyone?
A little research into the history of the church and it is easy to uncover the changing of times (holy days) and seasons (the calendar) were hallmark events for the Catholic Church and demonstrates is mark of supremacy over the Christian communities, even to this day – and over the world for that matter. There is a reason that modern calendars are called by Roman names and never corrected by the Christian communities. The Julian Calendar and the Georgian Calendar. Both have their first month beginning at the start of winter, while the Biblical calendar has its first month at the beginning of Spring. From a quick Google search we find this --
The Gregorian Calendar, first introduced in 1582 by Pope Gregory XIII, has become the internationally accepted civil calendar. The leap year rule for the Gregorian Calendar differs slightly from one for the Julian Calendar.
The Protestants coming out of the Roman Church may have parted ways with their Mother Church but they took with them the traditions introduced by the Mother Church as their own. Traditions having based their origins from previous pagan religions and cultures dating back to the Babylon era, and these pagan holy days, referred to as "holidays", renamed and twisted to fit certain Christian events. oddly, on of these Pagan days is called Easter, even in your own Bible, a Pagan reference to a Pagan fertility festival, and yet, the Christians ignore this and apply it to a biblical event that has nothing at all to do with Easter, the Pagan holiday of the Babylonian fertility rites. Even today, as people about the term Easter and they most likely will tell you that that is Passover, which it is not. From the Protestant daughters of the Roman Church, other religious children (groups) were spawned in various forms, differing in minor ways, as to customs and doctrine, but the majority maintaining the same celebrations the same religious festivals, and customs all the way to accepting the false "Jesus", a false Christ, not of the Holy bible. (See also -- All Hail Zeus)
The Christians preach the message of salvation but turn from the Apostles and from what YaHshua, the real Messiah taught, chasing after and accepting as doctrine the doctrine of devils (1 Tim 4:1-2). They have the appearance of religion but are of the world, following the ever present traditions of Babylon. The Babylonian religion, Satan’s religion, is alive and well in the Christian Church -- by changing the names, they make it their own, denying the very Son of the Living God, for "another" -- John 5:43.
All the same, it is the responsibility of the "professing Christian" to prove the truth, "rightly dividing the word of truth" (2 Tim 2:15). Your Salvation is your responsibility, that is, among men (Philippians 2:12). You should not rely on some stranger to feed you rotten fruit and say that it is good because it is sweet, as is most overly ripe and rotten fruits. We are commanded to study for approval (2 Tim 2:15) and today, in this explosion of information, with the internet at our finger tips, a professing believer has little excuse for not doing just that – proving all things, testing every spirit whether it be of man or devils or Satan himself (1 John 4:1). And how do you do this testing? By seeing how it compares to what the Word of God says, and from experience, past and present, even found in historical records. The Liars can be uncovered, the doctrine of devils and demons can be revealed, you just have to be willing. If not, then you too will heap up teachers that will only tell you what you want to hear, like the over ripe, too sweet fruit, hearing only the smooth things, so that feelings are not hurt -- this is the way of the false messiah, JESUS.
6. Jesus' followers think they are to convert the whole world, to create the Kingdom of God on earth -- and then go to Heaven?
YaHshua says our citizenship is in heaven and that He is going to establish the Kingdom of the Father on earth when He returns, the Heavenly Kingdom is coming here and our citizenship is coming with Him (Philippians 3:20-21, Eph 2:19, 1 Peter 1:17, Rev 21). For those of you who have been told (taught) that the Kingdom is already here, then please read what our Lord YaHshua said -- John 18:36 -- "My kingdom is not of this world: if My kingdom were of this world, then would My servants fight...".
7. Followers of Jesus say they are commanded, or commissioned, to preach the Gospel to the whole world and then the Kingdom will come.
Yahshua, in reality, gave that command to the Apostles and even though they are all now dead, their words and teachings cover the globe – they did as commanded, as commissioned, and the Holy spirit is doing the rest. The Great Commission, was not given to anyone else, and according to the word -- mission accomplished by them -- Acts 1:8, John 17:20
They accomplished their commission, not by their power but by His. China is receiving the Word in their own language and this is truly a wonderful thing. Consider, they are about the last country on the face of this earth to allow the printing and preaching of the gospel message. We now have the gospel message both preached and published in a book we call the Holy Bible printed in the language of the people of China the translated words of the prophets, of YaHshua and the Apostles. China, the last holdout, in times past, had placed the death penalty on anyone owning a bible, let alone preaching its message in this generation and today there are bibles coming off printing presses in China and not just in their language. And by what power has this come about? What power has kept the Holy Bible alive with the Apostolic message and the words of our Savior going around the world? Who can take singular credit? This is all by the power of the Spirit of our Heavenly Father. The Command to go to the world was directed at the Apostles of YaHshua. And we see mission accomplished, not by any single group or man.
The Last Command
What was and is Yahshua's last command to His followers? Contrary to what you have been told -- read it for yourself -- the Last command from our Savior to His followers:
Revelation 22:10 " Let him who does wrong continue to do wrong; let him who is vile continue to be vile; let him who does right continue to do right; and let him who is holy continue to be holy." (In other words, mind your own business -- this is the last command of our Savior)
(See also 1 Thes 4:11)
Does this sound like a command to convert the world? Hardly. The Spirit of our Father moves wherever it wishes, opening and closing the minds of men and women. By His Spirit, not by power or might is the Gospel revealed and the true Messiah made known. Millions upon millions of believers have been murdered in the name of Christianity under the name of Jesus, Iesus, Isous, Isis. Preaching the gospel of men, holding the Holy Bible in one hand and a sword in the other is totally contrary to the message of the Messiah, YaHshua. Pagan Christianity has slaughter millions in the name of their god, Iesus, thinking they are doing THE GOD a service but in reality they have killed many thousands of saints, those true believers and possessors of the Holy Spirit, of YaHshua, true citizens of the coming Kingdom.
The Antichrists are those that reject Yahshua as Messiah. A time will come when everyone, in the judgement day, will have to make a choice, Yahshua or Jesus or some other god claiming authority belonging only to our Creator. Salvation is found in no other.
(Rom 14:11) For it is written, As I live, says the Lord, every knee shall bow to me, and every tongue shall confess to God (our Heavenly Father).
(Php 2:11) And that every tongue should confess that YaHshua the Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father.
(Mat 10:32) Whosoever therefore shall confess Me before men, him will I confess also before My Father which is in Heaven.
(Rom 10:9) That if you shall confess with your mouth the Lord Yahshua, and shall believe in your heart that God has raised Him from the dead, you shall be saved. (read that again, and again, please)
What a statement, what a powerful, powerful statement -- you can't just think it, you must be willing to confess His Name with your mouth, confess YaHshua is Lord, and believe it. This is a perfect example of destroying the concept that it is "what's in your heart that counts". Without confession there is not heart -- Mat 4:4 Certainly what is in your heart must be there before you speak, but to think that is all that’s necessary is a mistake, you must be willing to say, "YaHshua is my Savior" -- raised from the dead by my Heavenly Father just as He will raise me from the dead -- this I confess by my mouth, from my mind, and in writing -- HalleluYaH!
Final Note: Quoting from the Athanasian Creed of 325 AD, a creed established by the Roman Catholic Church and still considered in full force, "And we believe in the Holy Spirit”. But, those who say, Once he was not, or he was not before his generation, or he came to be out of nothing, or who assert that he, the Son of God, is of a different hypostasis (a different substance or essence) or ousia (being lower than), or that he is a creature or changeable, or mutable, the Catholic and Apostolic /Church anathematizes them."
This Creed of the Roman Catholic Church is in stark contrast to what the Apostles taught and in fact labels themselves and any holding to this "Creed" of Christian Confession as "anti-christ".
(1Jn 4:1-3) Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world. Hereby know ye the Spirit of God: Every spirit that confesses that Yahshua the Christ is come in the flesh is of God: And every spirit that confesses not that Yahshua the Christ is come in the flesh is not of God: and this is that spirit of antichrist, whereof ye have heard that it should come; and even now already is it in the world.
The Catholic Church is also the origin of the Christian Trinity doctrine and by their own admission, deny Yahshua came in the flesh reducing himself to the level of man in order to save man. The denial of this is the mark of the Antichrist and anti-christs.