Science And The Bible
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Science and the Bible
Science and the Bible in Harmony?
by your servant, Dan L Baxley
Please do yourself a favor and read this article to its conclusion. You don't have to agree with it but I think you will find the middle part, on the "Points", of real interest -- worth reading -- OK, go ahead, jump to the middle, and then come back here. Agree, disagree, one thing believers and non-believers in the Hebrew/Christian Holy Book, agree, and that is that Truth is the goal, not superstition, or myths, but truth. Look, listen, read, hear and let us agree on the Reasonable Truth.
What would you think if I were to say that science of evolution has got it pretty much right? There are some in the Christian community that agree with the tenants of the "theory of evolution" suggesting that the Creator God used evolution to create us and the universe we see today. Others, however, teach the “young earth” theory excluding the idea of millions and millions of years for the creation of space and people -- six literal days, in fact. Push all of that aside for the moment, if you can, and think in terms of the spirit and how a "believer" should position himself, or herself, in this push and pull argument. I know, I know, there are other theories some dealing with "earth ages", and theories about "space people" planting their seed, etc., etc., but let's side step some of these theories and get to some simple observations that I think can be agreed on, well, mostly.
But What About the GAP Theory?
Yes, there is a thing called the Gap Theory -- Genesis 1:1 GAP Genesis 1:2. Before a DAY is created, we are told, in verse #1 that the Earth was covered in water. This, for me, should toss out the idea that EVERYTHING was created in just 7 days. Verse #1 tells us a whole lot and at the same time, very little. The Earth exists at that moment and is covered in water. By today's scientific investigation of the heavens we know that water is a very, very, very and very rare occurrence anywhere but here on this planet. So, before the Creation of a single Day, we have a planet covered, or FLOODED with water. Remember, also, that the perspective is from this planet, soon to be called Earth. The view of everything is from this planet, not from the Heavens. What appears as the GAP in time, between when this planet becomes our Earth and just a ball of water, is anyone's guess. My feeling is that our Creator began the day on this planet, beginning with the placement of the sun and the moon -- or, perhaps, the earth itself was placed where the sun is located and then the moon. The fact is clear, however, that the earth, this water covered planet, existed before the creation of what we see from the surface of the planet, once it became The Earth. Before the Theory of Evolution this was a common understanding -- do a little research on Wikipedia and you will see this.
What happened is that the age of science, so called, began to replace religion, specifically the Christian religion as an alternate answer to how things came into being. Some, who still saw the sense in the Gap evidence, between verses 1 and 2, led to a compromise -- God must have used evolution to create. Of course, this left those who wanted to get rid of the God concept or Creator concept, took advantage of this flinch in the Christian physic and from this break in belief began to chip away at the Faith in a Creator God. Evolution, in it own way, became a religion it self, at least by definition. Just don't say that to an evolutionist, because it is religion they are trying to shed -- still, to make a theory a fact, you have to accept it by faith, or believe in it, even if it has never been proven. The reasoning they use for proofs are similar to those proving a Creator God exists. Enough, let's get going and see who discovered what first.
Belief, as a Child Might
If you can muster the belief of a child and can accept the Bible as true and the word of an intelligent being attempting to communicate with us it will help in accepting things you cannot prove and don't need to prove in order to maintain your faith. As a believer you would find yourself standing on good ground, the scriptures as your foundation. This actually puts you a leg up on anyone putting all of their hope solely on the science of evolution. This science is argued by some to be a belief system based on speculations swirling around "intelligent" design while denying the same. I personally believe in the Bible as the words of the Living God, a work book, if you will, of how we should operate and how we came to be. I also think the evolutionist painting themselves into a corner as knowledge increases their dance around what is staring them in the face becomes more and more desperate.
The Error of Science as a Profession
The error in science is to judge the Book, you know the Bible, as a pack of myths and stories told around the camp fires of the first men trying to make sense of a world they did not understand. Over the last fifty years, however, science has been stumbling all over itself trying to cover themselves as it becomes ever more evident people of way back then were not ignorant, grunting beasts. As the evolutionist scramble about discarding this theory then that theory then accepting back again that other theory and fighting among themselves over preconceived ideas and actual fact, all in the quest for truth, orf so they say. Well, maybe the search is not always for truth, but look, pet theories are hard to abandon. It is not only the scientist of evolution, however, that have "pet theories" to defend, we see this same, and very similar, attitude found among teachers of the Bible.
Unknowingly many of the researchers in the science of evolution have been confirming the Bible as the beginning of truth. The further the scientist have removed themselves from this truth, the Bible, becoming ignorant of what the scriptures have to say about beginnings and endings, they have unintentionally proven it to be a basis of truth. That's right, much of the newly revealed truth and findings in scientific findings actually supports what the Bible has to say, or is it the other way around?
Everyone would agree, I think, that there is a knowledge explosion going on at an ever increasing pace. The Holy Bible should have been destroyed, buried in scientific proof of its falsehoods and myths, but this has not been the case, in fact, as this explosion of new information, just the opposite is occurring. The Bible is alive and well and is finding a place on the shelves of some researchers in various fields of study as an aid into new discoveries. Of course the main thrust of the science of evolution is to deny a Creator God and this make it doubly shameful when a Bible believer attempts to side with the evolutionist, apologizing for the Bible and attempting to twist the scriptures to fit in with the theory of evolution. They do this for "intellectual" reasons attempting to make peace with the world, to fit in, not understanding the Creator is capable of creating by merely speaking a command, something we, as humans of flesh have trouble comprehending. It is difficult to admit your error when you have virtually staked your career on a false premise.
Many archaeologist in using the Bible as a template for uncovering lost cities and lost civilizations have made a name for themselves and some of them are so brazen as to suggest they still do not believe in a God -- yet they confirm the historical accuracy of the Book -- incredible. Even in the field of nutrition it has been demonstrated that a diet, known as the Mediterranean diet, is the most suitable for humans. So, it is no surprise, or shouldn't to the believer, that the Mediterranean diet can be found within the pages of the Book. Yes, the Bible does give us a diet, thousands of years ago, before humans became so smart. But this is only one point. Keep reading, I have listed below other interesting facts being admitted to by science, unknowingly, that prove the Book is way ahead of everyone.
They Say The Book Is Not History?
Historians are the next group to keep turning to the Bible for historical content in an effort to fill in the holes left by the archaeologist. Amazing, while denying the source of truth they dance all around it, twisting and turning, jumping over the flames of their intelligence making tribal guttural sounds as they click their stick together, admitting the truth but denying the source thereof. And even more we have authors of fiction pulling plots from this Book to write their stories. And little wonder, it has been said the Bible contains every plot line known to man -- as if the Book were written by a genius -- amazing Certainly I understand that not all of these professionals in the various fields of science and investigation are unbelievers and make no claim in support of the bible one way or another and it is this holding this position that prevents them from seeing the contradiction of their work while consulting the very Boo that claims a higher intelligence that that of man -- a much, much, much higher intelligence. The percentage of believers among the sciences is growing but most keep silent when it comes to acknowledging the Book as inspired by a Higher Intelligence out of fear of being forced out of their field of study.
The Believer -- Fear Not
For you and I as believers, you know, those called to the Christ by the Father, our choice should be a simple one. The Father tells us that He created everything by and through the Son, John 1:1-2. You either believe or you don’t. If you don’t then you are not a believer, you are something else. A believer “believes” the word, much as a child might believe his or her parents -- without question. This does not mean you check your mind at the door, so to speak, in fact a believer is told to study (2 Timothy 2:15) and to test the spirits (1 John 4:1) to see if they are of the Father, or the Son (the Creator), or not. The believer is challenged to grow not only in faith but in knowledge (2 Peter 1:5-6, 1 Timothy 2:4). As a follower of the Christ, YaHshua, and having His faith in you there must then be a "belief" in things not yet seen, for that is “faith”. As “believers” we really do not need to convince anyone concerning our Heavenly Father nor in the things pertaining to salvation or eternal life through His Son, YaHshua. Our "faith" and our "belief" is delivered to us in what some refer to as our "calling". Our Father in Heaven removes the cloud of worldly wisdom from our minds and give us "spiritual wisdom". He has made Himself known to us, giving us knowledge of Himself and His Son. He has shown us His Son and we "believe", we can't help it, the veil is removed, and trying to convince, or make, a non-believer see what we see so plainly is futile and a waste of time. With this uncovering of the mind and with the opening of our eyes to the real truth we can see more clearly the truth of the words written for our admonition, for our guidance, for our reproof and correction into what life is all about. Stand by the truth of the book and you don't have to back track as sciences have been doing for the last 200 years. The poor Darwinians, fighting hard to maintain a flawed 200 year old theory while new discoveries leaven them behind. But still, in the community of education they hold a tremendous amount of power and intimidation.
With this being understood I do not need to make a long drawn out argument as to why you should “believe” in a creation by "intelligent design" – we are not an accident – but I don’t have to tell you that, you already believe it, right? Some within the “faith” of belief have stumbled, feeling “left behind” by the intellectual world. The wisdom of this world is not, in most cases, the wisdom delivered to us in the written word of the Living God, YaH and is not a wisdom we should desire. We should be able to understand where the wisdom of the world comes from and to understand this wisdom but it is the Wisdom from God we should be able to see and seek. Every day new discoveries in science is prove the written Word of the Living God is correct and can be trusted -- I'm talking about the Holy Bible, not the Koran (Quran), not the Mormon Bible, and not the Course in Miracles, no not any of the impostors but the Holy Bible as based upon the Hebrew and Greek/Aramaic Scriptures handed down to us by the Hebrews and the Apostles of the New Testament. Paul made a great point and proof for a Creator by the creation itself --
(Rom 1:20) For the invisible things of Him since the creation of the world are clearly seen, being perceived through the things that are made, even His everlasting power and divinity; that they may be without excuse.
Shocking News Flash -- Science and the Bible do agree! (This is the middle part)
First a few quotes from some men many will recognize and few will argue with:
"The scientist is possessed by the sense of universal causation.... His religious feeling takes the form of a rapturous amazement at the harmony of natural law, which reveals an intelligence of such superiority that, compared with it, all the systematic thinking and acting of human beings is an utterly insignificant reflection." Albert Einstein, theoretical physicist
"We can't understand the universe in any clear way without the supernatural." Allan Sandage, astronomer
"For the scientist who has lived by his faith in the power of reason, the story ends like a bad dream. He has scaled the mountains of ignorance; he is about to conquer the highest peak; as he pulls himself over the final rock, he is greeted by a band of theologians who have been sitting there for centuries." Robert Jastrow, astronomer . Contrary to what you have heard, or taught in school, science is on the verge of catching up with what the Scriptures have had to say about this planet -- not the other way around. Here is a few points to ponder as examples of science and the Bible agreeing.
Point 1. Science of tells us that our sun is burning out and one day it will “supernova” expanding beyond the last planet in our solar system. Of course this isn't supposed to happen right away but around 5 billion years, give or take a billion. Some, however, mention this future happening in as little as 100 million years. What if they are wrong, what if their time line is not correct and it is thousands of years not million. Hey, look, they are guessing, when one says 5 billion and another drops this guess to 100 million, well, that is a spread too large to ignore -- who would gamble with that kind of spread? The future of the earth is set -- total destruction -- by fire -- by our sun. Believe it or not, the Bible agrees with science on this point, or is it the other way around, hum. Let’s see what the written word has to say about such a thing:
2 Peter 3:10 But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up. KJV
Malachi 4:1 Surely the day is coming; it will burn like a furnace. NIV (there is more to this verse, much more, and I would suggest you read it, but for now the point I am making is made)
Revelation 21:1 And I saw a new heaven and a new earth: for the first heaven and the first earth were passed away; and there was no more sea. (what do you suppose happened to the sea -- extreme evap.?)
Revelation 22:5 And there shall be no night there; and they need no candle, neither light of the sun; for the Lord God giveth them light: and they shall reign for ever and ever. KJV (no more sun just like the scientist say will happen one day)
Revelation 22:5 “There will be no more night. They will not need the light of a lamp or the light of the sun, for the Lord God will give them light. And they will reign for ever and ever.” NIV
Imagine, the Creator of all things, and that is saying a lot -- replacing the sun as our light -- and that is beyond imagination, right? Remember, the sun is very small compared to other light sources in the universe -- Sources created by our Heavenly Father by and through His Son (John 1:1-14). The idea of replacing our sun should be no big deal, for them. But notice something else in that verse, “And they will reign for ever and ever”. The “they” would be the believers and it is plain that “they” will not be in what the Christians call Heaven -- somewhere out there in the far reaches of outer space. No, He is coming here, we are not going there. "They" will be “rulers” and to be that there must be something to rule or reign over. Reading the verse in Revelation you can see the subject point is all about the earth and everything and everyone having to do with this world, this earth. This is not to say we are earth bound at this time, at the end of all evil, but at death we do not go to Heaven, only YaHshua has done that. There is a future, a grand future for those He has chosen, even for those who have searched Him out, and for those that have answered the call (2 Tim 1:9). But I digress, let us return to the subject at hand.
Methane Gas -- a Threat?
This should be another point, perhaps, but it ties in so well with this Point 1 -- the fire, and all. This is something about the Earth that most, I believe, do not know. The ocean floors and the Permafrost in the North and the Ice of the South (Antarctica) is loaded with Methane gas. Huge frozen fields of Methane cover the depths of the ocean floor. Methane is one of the most flammable gases there is and when ignited it does not stop until it has burned out. Some in the field of Earth biology and geology are worried about Global Warming causing the Methane that is being controlled by the frozen state, will be released abnormally into the atmosphere making for a very fiery affair. Now, couple this with a sun that is going to flash out one day and guess what? You have an Earth that is a fiery inferno. Where does the Bible indicate this? Well, remember the verse that tells us there will not be a Sea anymore (Rev 21:1)? That means the Methane is gone too, and the only way to get rid of both is by heat, a lot of heat.
Point 2. We are told by those studying the sciences of the Earth there are places on the Earth ready to explode possibly setting off monster earth-quakes like never before seen. Mega volcanoes, super-quakes, and it doesn't stop there, the projections (scientific prophecy?) of the inevitable attack from outer space by space rocks (meteorite showers), asteroids, comets and the like. They do not say “maybe” they say it is only a matter of time. Oh, and the written Word of the Living God agrees – or is it the other way around? I know, I keep asking that question, but really, which came first?
Revelation 6:12 And I beheld when he had opened the sixth seal, and, lo, there was a great earthquake; and the sun became black as sackcloth of hair, and the moon became as blood; 13 And the stars of heaven fell unto the earth, even as a fig tree casts her untimely figs, when she is shaken of a mighty wind. 14 And the heaven departed as a scroll when it is rolled together; and every mountain and island were moved out of their places. KJV
Revelation 8:5 And the angel took the censer, and filled it with fire of the altar, and cast it into the earth: and there were voices, and thunderings, and lightnings, and an earthquake. KJV
Point 3. Science tells us about earth’s past history of being hammered by huge meteors and asteroids and a comet or two – you know the popular theory of the “great extinction” brought about by a mountain sized asteroid slamming earth? It is estimated that in a time before our Earth, a time we see in the remains of creatures and plants fossilized, having been alive in another time, a time before, and it has been calculated this Earth had a greater population of both, animals and plants than we have now. I will say it again, More plants and animals populating this Earth than we have today. And, of course, we are told that it is not a matter, "if it will ever happen again", but when. Yes, we are being told that it is only a matter of time before we are creamed by a very large rock from space or perhaps a comet, or both.
More Information than you want to Know
There is, at this very moment, an asteroid that is being watched and is expected to pass inside our moon's orbit. This asteroid has been named Apophis and is expected to rip through the very space some of our higher attitude earth satellites travel in. When is this to occur? How does the year 2029 sound? And there is more -- if the asteroid manages to pass through a space “key-hole” it will be slung out, by the earth, into an orbit that will bring it right back to earth within 7 years, only this time it will smack us and hard. Once again the Word of God has been telling us about just such an event. Oh, and guess what? This is all to happen before the coming of the Messiah. I wonder where this leaves the Left Behind teachers Again, where is the Bible on this on this topic, this science?

Seven Years Later?
Update: While the world was looking somewhere else, like at Apophis, another Asteroid snuck in, and not much of a warning either. While we know Apophis will be coming at us around 2029, this latest event shot by Earth at under 20,000 miles (17,200, to be exact), this 150 footer was upstaged, however, by a smaller object that exploded over (close to) Chelyabinsk, Russia, just hours before (3:20 am) the larger asteroid, known as DA14, came its closest at 7:45 AM.DA14 was first spotted Feb 2012, but the smaller 55 footer that exploded over Russia with the force of 30 of the original Atom Bombs, injuring over 1,000 people, and collapsing several buildings, was a total surprise. It exploded in the sky without making earth impact and luckily it did not explode over a major city. What are the odds of that? Two asteroids -- two -- and they say they were not related? DA14, one year warning, little buddy, no warning at all. Originally, they, that is the people that are supposed to know, telling everyone that this smaller traveller had broken off from DA14. It did not take long to prove that was not correct, and demonstrating how those "in the know", did not know so much after all.What does your Bible say about such things, or the possibility of such things happening?
Revelation 8:8 And the second angel sounded, and as it were a great mountain burning with fire was cast into the sea: and the third part of the sea became blood; (Note: Asteroids are much like mountains, especially big ones, composed of rock and metals unlike comets that are a loose compaction of various material held together by gaseous ice)
Revelation 8:10 And the third angel sounded, and there fell a great star from heaven, burning as it were a lamp, and it fell upon the third part of the rivers, and upon the fountains of waters; (Note: This could very well be a comet. While an asteroid would plow into the earth’s surface a comet would be more apt to explode in the atmosphere and fall out over a larger area, raining down some kind of outer space pollution. Notice, it is compared to a lamp, or torch – this is pretty descriptive of what a comet does look like when viewed from earth)
Revelation 8:11And the name of the star is called Wormwood:
Comment: It has just recently come to the attention of some, those studying comets, that there is a possibility that some of these roaming comets, may harbor some type of pollutant, even a virus or two. Some have speculated comets might have been the beginnings of life on Earth, they now fear a comet might be our death -- death by poison -- outer-space poison. Hum, sounds kind of like "Wormwood" doesn't it? Not an Asteroid but a Comet -- maybe both, like mixing up a chemical cocktail, poisonous to humans?Update 05/21/2020: Apophis -- due to hit earth April 13, 2029. Tom Horn, a recognized prophecy teacher, also an escape teacher. By that I mean, he also, along with many others, believes that Believers will escape all of this because our Lord YaHshua will have first returned and snatched (raptured) them all up to a place of safety -- totally unbiblical -- for more on this go to my Link on the Rapture. What is being taught, to this very day, is that Apophis is Wormwood. For the reason given above in previous writings this cannot be Wormwood, but it could be the Mountain that falls into the Ocean and kills a third of all things living in the ocean -- Pacific, or Atlantic? Prophecy author, Tom Horn, says that he personally believes this Apophis will be Wormwood, and he is not alone in this belief. And while he is held in high regard among many in the Rapture movement, his is wrong. At least, 2029, Apophis first fly-by is not Wormwood. Wormwood, as the Bible describes it, it is a Comet, not an Asteroid -- Apophis, is an Asteroid.UPDATE: October 01, 2024 --"NASA's asteroid sampling spacecraft OSRIS-APEX will have an exciting new mission in 2029, when it will watch an exciting asteroid encounter like no other in recorded human history.
The craft, formerly known as OSIRIS-REx, will bear witness as the asteroid Apophis— named after the ancient Egyptian god of chaos— comes so close to our planet that it could be visible with the naked eye in some parts of the world.After bringing a sample back from asteroid Bennu, the craft was recently rebranded the Origins, Spectral Interpretation, Resource Identification, and Security – Apophis Explorer (OSRIS-APEX) in recognition of this "bonus mission."The close approach of Apophis, which is thought to be 1,115 feet (340 meters) across almost as wide as the Empire State Building is tall, on April 13, 2029, will see the space rock come as close to Earth as 20,000 miles (32,000 kilometres), closer than some satellites."OSIRIS-APEX will study Apophis immediately after such a pass, allowing us to see how its surface changes by interacting with Earth’s gravity," OSIRIS-APEX project scientist Amy Simon said in a statement.Related: Asteroid Apophis will visit Earth in 2029. Why do scientists want NASA to send a probe there first?Apophis became notorious in 2004 as an asteroid that could potentially impact Earth with a size great enough to pose a threat to our planet. However, in March 2021, observations of the orbit of the space rock, also known as Asteroid 99942, led astronomers to conclude that it poses no threat to Earth for at least 100 years.NASA scientists still want to know how the brush with Earth in 2029 will affect the 324-day orbit of Apophis around the sun. Additionally, coming close to Earth, which Apophis only does around once every 7,500 Earth years, may shake up the surface of the asteroid by triggering quakes and landslides." Get more about this from -- Newsletter
Point 4. Remember all of the talk you have heard from childhood about how those stupid religious people thought the earth was flat? Remember how, for the most part, you were taught in school how the preachers and priests of the dark ages enforced this idea of a “flat earth” and suppressed the intelligent people who were trying to teach otherwise? This, of course, is all nonsense, not that the religion of the day, called Christianity, had all of the answers but what you are not told is that much of modern discoveries came out to the colleges supported or built by the Christian churches. Some of our greatest thinkers came out of these Christian institutions. The real struggle had been over power. Due to the lack of knowledge about the very book they reportedly believed in they made some ignorant observations. Flat Earth or not, science, founded by Christian Institutions, would soon prove the truth, never mind that thousands of years before the “dark ages” societies in the Middle East never had such notions and most subscribed to the “circle of the heavens and of the Earth”. What has the Bible to say about all of this? Remember, this is the book the Roman Church felt the need to protect, to keep from the prying eyes of the flock – you have to wonder why. So, what does this book say?
Isaiah 40:22 “Do you not know? Have you not heard? Has it not been told you from the beginning? Have you not understood since the earth was founded? He sits enthroned above the circle of the earth and its people are like grasshoppers. He stretches the heavens like a canopy, and spreads them out like a tent to live in”
Isaiah wrote this around 700 B.C. way before the “dark ages”. Coming out of the dark ages man was actually rediscovering what had already been known. From the looks of ancient civilizations there once had been a population quite advanced and there is no telling how far they might have gone if not for a “mass extinction”, but then that is another “story” – a story of beginnings -- some call it the Flood.
Point 5. This is an oldie but goody: The Earth at one time was a single body, or mass and the ocean had been a single body. Remember, as children, how we used to look at the map of the world and our little minds could see how the land masses looked like big puzzles pieces? Do you remember thinking how it looked like all these big chunks of dirt and rock (earth) once fit together? And so, for most of us, it was no big surprise when the scientist merely stated the obvious? Yes, believe it or not, many in earth science are have only recently embraced this concept and they call it, "Continental Drift". We need to understand; the ancients did not have the advantage of viewing the earth from space and had not mapped the edging of the land masses being slapped around by the oceans. OK, you get one guess as to who said this first, who seemed to know all about this first?
Genesis 1:9 And God said, Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear: and it was so.
Yes, the God of Israel, ahead of all the other gods, told us, in writing, that it was so. Once upon a time thousands of years before modern science had been born a book was telling us the obvious -- well, obvious to modern day children of grade school age. Makes you wonder, did the ancients of then have a globe to look at, or a map, when they made up this story? Maybe they had satellite photos to look at, you think (just kidding)? Well, from those few words in Genesis it is plain, someone knew what they were talking about -- someone knew the earth had its place and the water its place and each was "divided from the other".
Point 6. This point ties in nicely with Point 5: We are told by those in the study of geology that there is evidence for hug amounts of water heaving upward through the crusts of the earth leaving behind water borne minerals clinging to the cracks and fissures created by a "bursting forth" from the deep. A good way to picture this is at you own faucet, the white scale, as some call it, is mineral build up from the water and to battle this build-up many home owners use water softer and guess what is the main ingredient for cleaning this mineral from the water? Right, salt, not unlike the salt we find in the oceans of the world. Maybe this is why we don't have a giant mineral ring along the coast lines? Minerals have been left behind, untouched by the salt waters, on a massive scale (no pun intended) throughout mountain ranges around the world.
Thousands of years ago a scale of minerals is left behind from an event the science of geology inadvertently acknowledges, "the fountains of the deep burst forth". No, they are not trying to support a biblical account, or give any credibility to the Scriptures, but merely making an observation of what they see in the record of the rock, more specifically, the formation of the Rocky Mountains, and other mountain ranges. The witness testifying to of this event was broadcast on the SCI channel (satellite TV) a program titled, The Rockies. About half way through this very interesting program this statement was made: "Volcanic action had a lot to do with the making of the US Rockies. Magma hurdled toward the surface heating water into high powered jets that shot through the weakened cracks in the earth infusing them here and there with minerals before exploding through the crust." A little later on the commentator made this statement: "In the US Eastern face the Rockies shoots up like a wall out of the prairie ..." Geologist have marveled at this sudden formation of the Rockies defying what is commonly taught as the origins of this massive mountain range -- you know -- slowly over millions of years the mountains have been pushed up, an inch at a time, but this seems to be in question now. But wait, is there another source agreeing with this new discovery? Yes, there is, and once again we have this "story book" proving to be much more than a book of stories.
Gen 7:11 In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, in the second month, on the seventeenth day of the month, on the same day were all the fountains of the great deep broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened. KJV (This is really a specific statement for a story, isn't it? We are given the exact date?)
Gen 7:11 In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, on the seventeenth day of the second month ---on that day all the springs of the great deep burst forth, and the floodgates of the heavens were opened. NIV
Notice the precision of this account in so few words. The complexities involved with this verse, and many others, is so prefect as to show the ignorance of any that would suggest this is just a story by dull witted tribal people barely having learned to speak. The rest of this chapter in Genesis go far and above what is necessary for a story told around the "campfire" as some intellectual giants would have you believe. Stand up for your belief, brothers and sisters. Believe the Living God as Noah did and as Abraham did and you will never have to be ashamed of accepting false notions put out by those that would refuse the existence of your Creator – even if the very stones themselves rose up and spoke to them they would not believe – and they have, the stones cry out, they have spoken, the rocks say, "look what happened to us". The Creator has spoken to men in more ways than one and to what use? History has shown us how we have listened? Today we even have priests, ministers, preachers, teachers, and self-proclaimed prophets telling us it is all symbolic, it is mere stories told to children, blah, blah, and blah.
Point 7. The Science of Astronomy tells us that the Universe is ever expanding– everything seems to be moving outward – and we are told that this outward movement, this stretching out is accelerating at an ever-increasing speed. Does the Bible, the Word of the Living God, YHWH, have anything to say concerning this? I admit I’m smiling again, my Father's word, your Father's Word is truth. What is written by inspiration is so casual a remark as to be not debatable.
Isaiah 44:24 Thus saith the LORD (YHWH), thy redeemer, and he that formed thee from the womb, I am the LORD (YHWH) that makes all things; that stretches forth the heavens alone; that spreads abroad the earth by myself; KJV
Zechariah 12:1 The burden of the word of the LORD (YHWH) for Israel, saith the LORD (YHWH), which stretches forth the heavens, and lays the foundation of the earth, and formed the spirit of man within him. KJV
Job 26:7 He stretches out the north over the empty place, and hanged the earth upon nothing. KJV
Comment: “He stretches out…” I think is an appropriate layman’s description of what the scientist are seeing. Read Job again, “… and hangs the earth upon NOTHING”. With all of the scientific explanations of how the Earth is held in place it is still suspended on nothing. Many ancient peoples and tribes of people and even some sophisticated societies of the Old World had myths of how the Earth was supported: By Hercules, said the Greeks, or by a great Turtle carrying the earth on its back, but who is it that said the Earth is hung on nothing? Who wrote of such things hundreds of years, thousands of years, before men became so smart as to see that it was not a Turtle, not Hercules and not a force that can be seen. The Bible, the inspired Words of the Living God and Creator, YHWH, has been telling mankind way ahead of the discoveries of modern man. Will we listen or cave to peer pressure and intimidation? Remember the Number One Principle – “Let every man be a liar but the Living God, our Creator and Savior be true” (My paraphrase of Romans 3:4).
Point 8. It just keeps getting better. I am sure you have heard a lot about our space researchers looking for and finding other worlds. Ah, at last, proof we are not the only ones, of course, they have yet to make contact with any that might occupy these other worlds. Boy, it is about time, after all, it is a lonely feeling thinking we might be the only world. I'm wondering why this was ever an issue, why would the people of our world be so interested? You know, it isn't like we could visit. This answer, however, was given to us way before the space program, so it should not have been a search to prove we are not alone, or the only planet, it should have been a search to prove the word of God true. After all, over two thousand years ago we humans were given a hint. I know, if you believe in the Higher Intelligence, you already know we are not alone, but for the sake of an argument, here is what your bible says:
(Heb 11:3) Through faith we understand that the WORLDS (plural, get it?) were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.
(Heb 1:2) Hath in these last days spoken unto us by his Son, whom he hath appointed heir of all things, by whom also he made the worlds; KJV
Point 9. (2014 addition)
Solar Flares – potential destruction of the World?
Scientist now warn of the coming solar flare that might change life on earth. With global warming a great fear among many, it is the coming solar activity that science warns us about. Like prophets of old the modern, secular scientists become our new age prophets of doom and gloom. What does the bible say?
According to the word of God just such a thing is on its way, it is only a matter of time.
(Rev 16:8-8) The fourth angel poured out his bowl on the sun, and the sun was given power to scorch people with fire. They were seared by the intense heat and they cursed the name of God, who had control over these plagues, but they refused to repent and glorify Him.
Man can be stubborn but this event will prove the scientist of today correct. Wait a minute, those verses were written almost two thousand years ago. It is not the bible agreeing with man but another example of man agreeing with the Bible.
Point 10. The Fabric of Space:
If you watch the Discovery Channel or any of the Learning channels and listen to the various theories about how "SPACE", outer Space, that is, came into being. We hear about Dark Matter and even Light Matter and about some kind of magnetic matter, usually identified as Dark Matter, seemingly spread out like a blanket, something they call the Fabric of space, and diagrams are presented to get this idea across. Images like this --

(This is how Cosmic science pictures the Fabric of Space, stretched out like a cloth, acting like a tent, so to speak)
(Job 26:7) He stretches out the north over the empty place, and hangs the earth upon nothing.
The Fabric of Space, stretched out into infinity, controlling the movement of all the heavenly bodies. This is not just some imagined thing; it is a truth and this truth, while seemingly a discovery from Cosmic science is really old news. Old news, like an old hat, well-worn and nothing our Creator had not already revealed to man, or any man that would listen, in different words, perhaps, but all the same.
(Isa 48:13) My own hand laid the foundations of the earth, and my right hand spread out the heavens; when I summon them, they all stand up together. NIV
(Psa 104:2) He wraps himself in light as with a garment; He stretches out the heavens like a tent
(Isa 40:22) He sits enthroned above the circle of the earth, and its people are like grasshoppers. He stretches out the heavens like a canopy, and spreads them out like a tent to live in.
(Job 26:7) He stretches out the north over the empty place, and hangs the earth upon nothing.
The very words or our Creator is being parroted by Modern astronomers and other Earth scientist, most of whom do not believe in a Creator God and have no idea they are discovering something He has already revealed and they are only discovering an ancient truth from His Inspired Words. Yes, Science does agree with the Bible, not the other way around.
Point 11. Science and Time
This is one of those that we can all argue about, over and over again. Science says we have been around for millions and -- no wait, for billions and billions of years. Creationist or those in what is called Creation Science (not all) say we have only been around for a few thousand years. Some say the Earth has only existed for less than seven thousand years. and others that the whole Universe, along with the Earth has only been around for Seven thousand or less years.
Just so you know, and in full disclosure -- It is my position that the existence of the Universe is beyond our small minds, we can understand and reason, in part, but the actual creation and the Power of Creation that brought all that we see into existence is beyond our ability to see past the physical. However, some in the world of science are starting to express a theory, or two, about something they call spontaneous creation. That aside, it is my belief that the Earth existed long before our Creator brought the dry ground up out of the waters. Read it for yourself -- before anything of the recorded events, in the Book of Genesis, the Earth was submerged in water, the Earth was in a state of global flood. This means the Earth preexisted before the sun and moon were set in place.
This means the timing of Billions and Billions of years could actually be correct. However, to carry this "timing" over to the "time" after this first "global flood" is just as careless and foolish as to suggest all we see is less than seven thousand years. The Creation that we know and live in, on this Earth, begins with us, the restoration of a "flooded Earth" and the ultimate creation of mankind.
Apparently, there was a life on this Earth before us, or so the scientist of Earth tells us and teaches. This is a case of the blind teaching the blind, and they cannot possibly know this fore the simple reason they were not there. This means, then, that they have to rely upon information left behind (not taken to heaven - pun), similar to sorting through the evidence of a crime scene. In this case we have two, maybe three, very different CSI teams attempting to decipher the same evidence.
The evidence I am about to present is known among those in the world of Anthropology, but is not very well advertised. This evidence that the "timing" of Creation may be, no, not may be, but is all wrong. And once again, the Bible, that inspired word of the Living God (yes, there are dead gods) drops a hint, a hint that has been so twisted and misplaced in the understanding of man that it is hidden, even though it is in plain view.
Ready for the big reveal?
(Gen 6:4 KJV) There were giants in the earth in those days; and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.
The men of science could care less about this quoted verse, but the men of religion have built a false doctrine around this verse, a doctrine that actually blocks the view of this great reveal -- "There were giants in (on) the Earth in those days" -- what days? “In the days that the "sons of God" came in unto (?) the daughters of men", those days. Of course the debate and the doctrine built around this wording, "sons of God" is raging today, and apparently, the idea that these "sons of God" were angelic beings from Heaven is gaining ground in the imaginations of men and women alike. Moving on -- These "giants" just happen to be roaming the Earth in those days.
In those days there were "giants" around? Remember, the word for "dinosaur" had not yet been invented. If these "giants" were a product of human women and fallen angels, then these grotesque hybrids would have been revealed as such, but the wording says otherwise. We are being told that "giants" were on the Earth during a specific time, a time when certain people, known as the "sons of God" were taking wives from the common population. The reveal is that these "giants", called "nef-eel'" or as they say it today, "Nephilim" or "the Nephilim", a much sexier word than plain old "giant". These "giants" were not human or that would have been made clear, and they are not the offspring from angelic beings marrying (really?) women. Taking humans out of the way and the "giants" of Genesis 6 become what is left, "animal", very large, animals. And to this very day men are digging up their bones.
I have been saying this for years and years but no one listens, why should they, a single voice shouting into the wind, and who am I, after all? Now the discovery that proves this, and it comes from the world of science and is recorded for us by the Smithsonian Magazine, so you can read about this yourself. I have provided a link below. Live tissue or nearly live soft tissue has been found in the bone marrow T. rex, a supposed, 68 million year old dinosaur. WHAT? First it would be impossible for flesh, tissue, to survived that long. The world of science was turned on its head, for a moment, but as you read the article of admission you will see, that like children caught stealing, they continue to admit something was taken but deny they did it. Now, for your pleasure and my enjoyment, go to the following link for proof that these "giant" animals are not as old as thought, and that they may be the very "giants" mention, casually, in Genesis 6.
Point 12. Who discovered Hydrology? The movement of water on the Earth? Leonardo Da Vinci, that who, but he never fully explained where rain came from. The process of understanding where RAIN came from took the curious minds of man some time to figure out, this process of figuring it out, ran over a period from around 1508 to 1666AD. It took quite a while, as you can see, before men of science were able to see what the BIBLE had revealed so many thousands of years before. Read the Biblical account for yourself in Genesis 1:6-7, also reproduced for your convenience, below. No matter how you read these verses, they say the same thing -- water from below produces the waters above, and who would know this back in the day, thousands of years before mankind gave itself credit for discovering something revealed in the Holy Bible, something only a divine Creator would know?
This is not something hidden, but is only recently, in the history of man, by man's own account, come to light. All the while this discovery, like so many other things, had already been revealed by our Creator. Some say this account was written around 1445 BC, giving Moses credit for have written this Genesis account. Others argue that it is older than that, but this does not matter, as it is only found in the Hebrew Account of revealed truth, concerning our Creation. Yes, some try to give the Genesis as found in the Hebrew writings, writings that reveal YaHWeH as Creator, to other people first, but the Genesis account is so much more specific by comparison that the other accounts about how things came about do fall in the mythical range of man's imagination, whereas the Hebrew Genesis account is truly a revelation, by comparison. All of this is easy to research on your own -- just go to the internet sources -- Wikipedia is a good place to start if so inclined. Now read the revelation for yourself in the following, from the Book of Genesis:
(Gen 1:6 ASV) And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters. And God made the firmament (sky), and divided the waters which were under the firmament (sky) from the waters which were above the firmament (sky): and it was so. (the waters from below evap into the clouds, or waters above)
The Science of Evolution and Geology (Last comment?)
If the men of science would accept the idea of a “global flood” we would see a revolution in the science of geology and a wealth of theories would be answered. The puzzle of mysterious things, like stones, weighing in the tons, found hundreds, even thousands of miles from their point of origin and some sitting high above sea level. Their composition showing they are from a lower source many hundreds of miles from where they ended up. This, not unlike the fossilized sea creatures found throughout the northern hemisphere thousands of feet above today’s sea level, could easily be accounted for by an enormous global flood. It would explain way virtually every society of modern and primitive men speak of such an event in their past history, even today it is still discussed, why do you suppose that is? If the global flood were accepted as fact nearly all of the puzzle pieces would fit. Certainly, pet theories would collapse and men of past genius would fall from grace but look at how the science of understanding would leap forward. Yes, many stubborn, self-deluded haters of the “god concept” would whine and cry taking a stand of self-righteousness as they stomp out of any meeting suggesting such a thing. As knowledge increases it will become ever increasingly difficult for the poor scientist living in the past to stay in the past. Isn't it amazing how many in the sciences cling to what they propose at theories of Darwin? What is happening is ignorance concerning the Scriptures has led to admissions by modern scientist confirming what the Scriptures have been telling us for thousands of years. Their ignorance gives support to the Biblical writings, unwittingly, as they admit to the truths they witness without being concerned about a book they have never read, nor care about.
Information being presented over the airways is continually making the “evolutionist” appear out of touch with reality. Failed theories abound as the grand minds of the “theory of evolution” attempt to keep patching it back together. They are losing the battle and I have a suggestion that just might save them some face: Admit there must have been a global flood, after all, they already are telling us that the earth was, at one time, covered in ice up to three miles thick, so why not acknowledge ice is water too, right? What is ice if not water? They could turn this discovery into a coup, of sorts, by just ignoring the religious creationist and declare they are following a pure scientific method of observation, claiming the discovery for themselves. This, then, would explain the massive cache of fossilized bones piled here and there throughout the whole world. The evidence is amassing at an astounding rate and it is only a matter of time before the supporters of the “Theory of Evolution” are branded a bunch of buffoons. They still have time to save themselves but they may have to throw some of their cherished idols under the proverbial bus.
2 Peter 3:5-7 For this they willingly are ignorant of, that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water: Whereby the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished: But the heavens and the earth, which are now, by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men.
This verse is a dire warning for all that read it. Notice, it is “by the word” that “the world that then was” perished and it is by the word, “reserved unto fire”. Anyone that needs a scientific explanation should not have to look too far in understanding what Peter is telling us. Consider the preachers and prophets of “Global Warming” and you should get the point. We are cycling into a warming period and who is to say it will not burn like an oven one day, and maybe sooner than we might think? Remember, Peter was not considered and educated man, even by the standards of his day, but who can argue with what he was inspired to write?
Matthew 24:37-39 But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark, And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be. KJV (The words of our Savior, He acknowledges the FLOOD)
The above verse should dispel any notion as to our Messiah’s belief about the flood. Did it happen? According to Him it did and He likens it as a time that came suddenly just as His coming is to be “suddenly”. Noah spent 120 years, they say, building the Ark for his family to escape in. From this we can assume, many people of that day saw the Ark and many others heard of it, but only eight were saved. Consider the following reveal, something the men of science have known about, at least since 2014 -- a layer, beneath our surface layer of the Earths mantle, is another layer filled with water --

Go that that link for a brief report on what is only now being made public, or so it seems. And this reminds us of a Word, already revealed to us -- (Gen 8:2) The fountains also of the deep and the windows of heaven were stopped, and the rain from heaven was restrained; -- Once again, the Hebrew Bible proves to know things before men discover them.
How will it be before out Savior returns? It has been over two thousand years, certainly the mercy of our Father in Heaven is great and He is mercifully allowing mankind a longer period of time to repent -- remember, the Apostles of then imagined the return of YaHshua in their day, bout our Heavenly Father has a time chosen only He knows and here we are, two thousand plus years and still waiting -- how merciful is this? Repent of what, you say?
Revelation 9:20-21 And the rest of the men which were not killed by these plagues yet repented not of the works of their hands, that they should not worship devils, and idols of gold, and silver, and brass, and stone, and of wood: which neither can see, nor hear, nor walk: Neither repented they of their murders, nor of their sorceries, nor of their fornication, nor of their thefts.Revelation 21:8 But the fearful, and unbelieving, and the abominable, and murderers, and whoremongers, and sorcerers, and idolaters, and all liars, shall have their part in the lake which burns with fire and brimstone: which is the second death.
This just about covers it. The phrase, “works of their hands” is more than making idols, it is the concept that man, free from the Creator God, can solve his own problems. Mankind has this attitude of eternity but in reality all, men and women go to the grave – we die. Still, death seems so far away, it is one of those things that happen to someone else. Even with the history of man staring us in the face we reject the inevitable and think that by the “works of our own hands” we can overcome anything. It is that old tale of “given enough time” we can accomplish anything. Of course, if that were possible, it does not provide a very good answer for all of the millions upon millions that have already gone to the grave, where is the time for them? We do, mankind, deceive ourselves. After all Satan did say, "surely you shall not die", and we, mankind, believe him. Adam has gone to the grave and so has Eve all because they believed Satan's words over their Creator's, just as mankind does today. Given enough time we can solve all our problems, men say, maybe even eternal life, who needs god? History bears witness against men for their futile efforts and arrogant denial of their Creator.
(Rom 1:20-23) For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse: Because that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, And changed the glory of the incorruptible God into an image made like to corruptible man, and to birds, and four-footed beasts, and creeping things. KJV
Only through repentance and the realization that we cannot make it on our own, will we be forgiven. Without the trust in and of our Savior we are doomed and no amount of self-imposed delusion can change that. We need the Creator to help us, we need the author of “Eternal Life” to help us, we cannot and in the end will not have the ability to save ourselves. This planet is doomed as is all life on it. The very science that tells us there is no God is the same that tell us we are headed for annihilation. If not by our own hand by the hand of the universe, or by our own sun – this Earth is going to perish and the idea of loading the population of the Earth onto space craft and blasting off into space is science-fiction at its worst -- a false hope of monumental proportions. Even at the speed of light it would take over a thousand years (light years) to reach anything that might appear as another planet. Imagine, a thousand years and more moving at the speed of light and still trying to figure out how to conserve our on board water? It is a joke and serious scientists speculate on just such things.
Prefect Repentance
To “repent” is to change one’s mind and thus change your life style, your attitude -- a genuine attitude adjustment. It would mean giving up false worship (false gods, false hope, of man) and murders (war, and terrorist acts), and sorceries, and fornication (sexual immorality of every kind) and of theft (cheating on taxes, cheating of any kind is theft). If we repent of these things then, and only then will the Creator God consider opening our minds and lives to His Son YaHshua who in turn will give us eternal life. Only by this gift will we ultimately be changed into spirit beings and the fire to come will have no effect on us. With our newly converted attitude we will cease being destructive to ourselves and to others. This is the Love of our Heavenly Father that we repent and demonstrate love one for another, and this “love” is His Love in us. This is the prefect picture, this is, or should be, our desire but it turns out to be our struggle. That's right, as long as we are in the flesh this seeking of the perfections of YaHshua will be our struggle, our mental as well as physical battle. Our Salvation is found in the perfection of our Savior -- through and by Him we have this perfection -- not yet realized-- until we become as He is -- this is the gift. But, even though we are given this undeserved gift we should not drop our guard against our own evil thoughts and actions -- "...resist Satan and he will flee from you" (James 4:7). We used to walk as the world walks accepting the sins of humanity as a mere natural course: It is only natural to lust, to hunger for things not ours, to allow deception -- all influenced by the "spirit of Satan" (Eph 2:2 - READ IT!). Politicians lie and it is accepted among themselves as all part of doing business -- it is acceptable. The god of the world once had blinded us too, but no longer and this explains why, to the repentant mind, world logic, and world wisdom, seems "crazy" (2 Cor 4:4 - READ IT!).